[meteorite-list] FCM: AD: Thin Sections Super Special Sale - Meteorites & Impactites 33$ each !! (no matter whether achondrite or chondrite, find or fall!!)
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 14:46:41 +0100 Message-ID: <008801cdf4b9$14a5f500$3df1df00$_at_de> Dear Fans of the FC Meteorite House, and all, who still want to become a fan. We launch today a really respectable special sale of thin sections (TS) at unrivaled, low prices. An offer, which is so fantastic, that we don't have to write many words. We all know, who is the largest supplier of TSses in the collectors' scene. Chondrites starting there at 70-75$, hardly any achondritic TS found below 100$. Our TSses don't have that Mercedes-Benz-High-End-quality (neither btw. do the TSses used for classifications own that), as they don't have the standard thickness of 35?m, but are between 20?m and 30?m. Nevertheless they are very very useable and of course that circumstance is more than compensated in the price. All sections are covered. Here now the center of the AD: 33$ each! No matter whether chondrite or achondrite, no matter whether the surface is small or large, no matter whether find or fall, no matter how rare the locales is. Therefore, we think, not only apt for the specialized collector, but especially also for these, who maybe are interested to try once, whether thin sections could be a field of collection for them too! Let us start with the impactites, because impactite thin sections seem to be even rarer than meteoritic ones. The direct scans are large enough to decipher the labeling. Given is always the kind of rock, the name of the impact structure, its diameter and age. To offer the FCM has: http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Impactite_TS_01.jpg -Vredefort -Gardnos -Tenoumer -S?derfj?rden -Dhala -Sudbury as well as http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Impactite_TS_02.jpg - Kentland - Ries - Glover Bluff - Dellen - Rochechouart - Ritland And here are coming the meteorite thin sections! For the case, that you can't read the labels so well, let us list them quickly. >From left to the right and from up to down: http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Duennschliffe01.jpg Upper Row: Vyatka Russia, 1971, H4 Vyatka Russia, 1971, H4 Sulagiri India, Fall 2008, LL6 NWA 5611 Sahara, 2008, polymict EUC, low weathering NWA 7370 Sahara, 2009, Olivine DIO Camel Donga Australia, 1984, monomict EUC, fresh Camel Donga Australia, 1984, monomict EUC, fresh Camel Donga Australia, 1984, monomict EUC, fresh Middle Row: NWA 5418 Sahara, 2006, LL6, S3/4, W2 Palomas Mexico, 2002, H4 Mount Tazerzait Niger, Fall 1991, anom L5, porous Mount Tazerzait Niger, Fall 1991, anom L5, porous Mount Tazerzait Niger, Fall 1991, anom L5, porous Chergach Mali, Fall 2007, H5, S4 Chergach Mali, Fall 2007, H5, S4 Chergach Mali, Fall 2007, H5, S4 Lower Row: Palomas Mexico, 2002, H4 El Atchane 017 Algeria, 1997, H4/5, W2 El Atchane 016 Algeria, 1998, H5, S1, W0/1 El Atchane 015 Algeria, 1997, H4, W0/1 SaU 464 Oman, 2008, LL5, S1, W1 Safsaf Morocco, 1998, L6, S3, W3 NWA 869 Sahara, 2000, L3-6, S3, W1 NWA 869 Sahara, 2000, L3-6, S3, W1 2nd part: http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Duennschliffe02.jpg Upper Row Dhofar 631 Oman, 2001, H5, S3, W4 Dhofar 631 Oman, 2001, H5, S3, W4 NWA 067 Sahara, 2000, L6, S2, W5 SaU 001 Oman, 2000, L4/5, S2, W1 Middle Row SaU 464 Oman, 2008, LL5, S1, W1 NWA 836 Sahara, 2000, L5, S3, W3 Santa Vitoria do Palmar Brazil, 2003, L3, S4, W2 Santa Vitoria do Palmar Brazil, 2003, L3, S4, W2 Lower Row Sinawan 001 Libya, 1991, L6 DaG 650 Libya, 1999, L6, S6, W3 Polujamki Russia, 1971, H4 DaG 650 Libya, 1999, L6, S6, W3 NWA xxxx Sahara, 2000, OC And now give us our well-deserved battle cry and then get them, as long they're still hot! Truly yours, FC Meteorite House Hamburg - Munich A.Gren M.Altmann M.Kurschat E.&V. Received on Thu 17 Jan 2013 08:46:41 AM PST |
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