From: Mark Ford <mark.ford_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 11:15:28 +0000
Message-ID: <3D7A674A041FFB4DBA68772C82FB4A07A00473CA_at_GAMMA2.ssl.atw>

I might be old fashioned but - my advice - Just put out some good meteorites with good lighting and let them have a good look at it! There's nothing worse than walking through a display/museum with a token of artifacts around in badly lit cases and just seeing the kids playing around with the wooden wheels and bashing the buttons, they will enjoy it sure, but they won't learn anything and its forgotten 10 minutes later. Whereas I will always remember the first time I saw a large slab of Iron with the classic Widmanstatten pattern!

So many museums these days are basically turning into playgrounds for kids. Sure there's room for some fun exhibits but we shouldn't underestimate the power of just showing the raw truth (i.e not posters and PC screens) - nature is wonderful enough, it doesn't need a PC or laser lightshow to jazz it up.

The which rocks are from space and why' type display always seem to go down well, kids will always love magnets..


> Hi Darryl,
> Just a few quick thoughts:
> Scale model of the solar system
> Meteorite hunting in a "salted" strewn field with magnet canes digital
> polarizing microscope with a cool thin section spectroscope Mars rover
> race Make a comet telescope observing
> Many of these ideas may not work for you. Could you tell us more about
> the event?
> Thanks,
> Peter
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