[meteorite-list] Minor Planet families

From: Michael Mulgrew <mikestang_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 23:41:39 -0800
Message-ID: <CAMseTy1RhHXPgeohw+X6w8WLW5QG1uLOp_m_0ddas5RmsexZtA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Graham and list,

For some easy reading on this subject I highly recommend Meteorites
and Their Parent Bodies, authored by Harry Y. McSween, Jr.;
specifically chapter 8, 'A Space Odyssey'. By discussing impact age,
orbit properties, orbital resonance (mean-motion and secular) and
"escape hatches" Mr. McSween does an excellent job outlining how
meteorites make their way from the asteroid belt to Earth.

Michael in so. Cal.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 7:32 AM, Graham Ensor <graham.ensor at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to everybody for their enlightening posts on this
> question....answering many aspects that I had wondered about....an
> interesting thread.
> Graham
Received on Wed 27 Feb 2013 02:41:39 AM PST

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