[meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk- To be? Or not to be? Prices say yes, but I'm extremely skeptical

From: Brandon <b1dunovant_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 19:26:34 -0600
Message-ID: <48991426-93A7-41D7-BC71-C31197A4395B_at_aol.com>

I was browsing Chelyabinsk on eBay to see what, if anything real, may be for sale and noticed two specific specimens for sale by eBay seller Pavelkuzmin92. Both by picture appear to be legit (which has obviously been the driver behind the high bids already!), but the weights appear to be all wrong and by the look of the larger of the two, at least 15-20 grams.

Screenshot of media video or legit stones being sold? Of course, I only ask because I want to know whether to pull out the popcorn or not :-p

Brandon D.
Received on Wed 20 Feb 2013 08:26:34 PM PST

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