[meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so...

From: Michael Bross <element33_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 21:58:06 +0100
Message-ID: <F579374F6CC540E8AC6C787B0CE1B025_at_DaDaPC>

Thank you Chris

I learned with your great answer.

Best regards

Michael B.

From: "Chris Peterson" <clp at alumni.caltech.edu>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 9:50 PM
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14
related, yes I think so...

> It takes a large amount of energy to split a massive body into components
> with radically different orbits (and that these bodies have radically
> different orbits is known beyond reasonable doubt). That energy could be
> supplied explosively, as when a pair of bodies collide. But that amount of
> energy would create a lot of debris, which has not been observed. It is
> also statistically unlikely for it to occur very close to the Earth (as it
> would have to). Indeed, that is statistically much less likely than the
> simple passage of two bodies close to the Earth within a few hours of each
> other.
> The other mechanism for creating different orbits is the actual one that
> describes much of what we see in terms of minor bodies in the Solar
> System, which is gravitational perturbation. What frequently goes
> unappreciated, however, is that three bodies are required. These are most
> often the asteroid/comet, Jupiter, and the Sun, but certainly other bodies
> are occasionally involved. The only potential body that could set up these
> different orbits so shortly before impact would be the Moon. But I don't
> believe that DA14 passed closely enough to the Moon to allow a tidal
> separation of asteroid components followed by the complex sort of
> "slingshot" effect that would be required to so dramatically change the
> inclination and velocity of the smaller component. Remember, DA14 has been
> under observation for a year.
> So that's what I mean when I say that there seems to be no reasonable or
> likely scenario that could explain these bodies being related. But the
> odds of two such bodies being where they were at that time are not
> particularly long at all.
> Chris
> *******************************
> Chris L Peterson
> Cloudbait Observatory
> http://www.cloudbait.com
> On 2/16/2013 1:32 PM, Michael Bross wrote:
>> Ok... lets see.
>> because all the first part of your email
>> makes me "reasonably" think like you...
>> but then I read the end...
>> Quote:
>> "There is no reasonable or likely mechanism for a body to split and
>> produce products with radically different orbits."
>> How sure are you about this... ?
>> Especially the "reasonable and likely mechanism" part....
>> As I said before.
>> Anyway, sorry if I disturb the list but this doesn't sound like an
>> evidence
>> to me
>> Michael
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Received on Sat 16 Feb 2013 03:58:06 PM PST

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