[meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so...

From: Michael Bross <element33_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 20:29:29 +0100
Message-ID: <3D0493CEDF174A4FB0BBB554C4B5ED56_at_DaDaPC>

Hi Bjorn (and list)

Why do I think you might be right ?
Or is this "just" another of those "coincidences"...

Anyway, please pursue your idea/flair...!
Science in history shows that "out of the box"
approaches lead to real discoveries.

That's why I don't listen to the "reasonable",
classical, main stream comments and deductions anymore...

Michael B.

From: "Bjorn Sorheim" <astrogeo at online.no>
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 8:04 PM
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14
related, yes I think so...

> I must be starting praying for you MIke!!?
> That's the most clueless article about these events I have ever seen.
> Or someone purporting to know anything about celestial mechanics.
> Wired and author Helene McLaughlin doesn't know a thing about celestial
> mechanics.
> The diagram is totally wrong, and the explanation about their paths is
> a TOTAL misunderstanding.
> As I have been trying to convey, the meteoroid falling in
> Russia (technically it is actually an asteroid as it is so big 15-17m)
> didn't originate
> from 2012DA14 while it passed the Earth! It split of way before and was
> travelling parallell
> with the mother asteroid but a long distance ahead of it and a bit over 2
> Earth diameters
> inside its orbit.
> Mike Hankey wrote:
> >good article that shows graphically why/how these are not related.
> >
> ><https://epost.telenor.no/mobileoffice//mobileoffice/?cmd=mail&sub=redirect&url=http://www.wired.com/geekmom/2013/02/asteroids-and-meteors-same-day/>http://www.wired.com/geekmom/2013/02/asteroids-and-meteors-same-day/
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Received on Sat 16 Feb 2013 02:29:29 PM PST

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