[meteorite-list] Russian meteor video....boom....this guy was directly underneath I think
From: Graham Ensor <graham.ensor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 13:31:02 +0000 Message-ID: <CAJkn+kYFSHC69GDquCR6mF_98UbcVukNSJ2eBpjaBFyL-hiJww_at_mail.gmail.com> Amazing video here from someone who appears to be directly under the detonation.....from the time it takes for the shockwave to hit the trail must be much higher than it appears and therefore massive....incredible event to witness... http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/mondo/videodallarete/1002282/meteorite-in-russia-almeno-400-i-feriti.shtml?5#page Graham Received on Fri 15 Feb 2013 08:31:02 AM PST |
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