[meteorite-list] Geological Survey of Canada fails to return piece of meteorite he discovered

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 23:59:32 -0500
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW8pj+T9M=Yyki4-sLFVA4aY=Ry7BoNNyq4DDs8zpEWVYQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi List,

Thanks Paul and Mike for the clarifications. Sounds like a character. LOL.

And, sales of all NASA-created fake replacement meteorites are hereby
suspended until further notice. ;)

Best regards,


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On 2/11/13, Paul H. <inselberg at cox.net> wrote:
> In ?Geological Survey of Canada fails to return piece of meteorite he
> discovered? at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com/msg110706.html
> MikeG wrote:
> ?I am a bit confused here.  I didn't see the name of the meteorite
> mentioned in the article, only that it was found in the Yukon in
> 1986.  Is this an unclassified fall or find??
> It is an unclassified find. According to the news articles, the
> Canadian Geological Survey geologists have determined that
> it is a meteorite.
> MikeG stated.
> ?Also, a $1000 payout for a 243g meteorite works out to a mere
> $4/g - which is pretty good for a highly-weathered ordinary
> chondrite find. But a fresher, recent fall should fetch more than that.?
> According to the below article, that was the lower end of price
> range that Attorney General of Canada Office appraised it as
> noted in:
> Decade-long disagreement over meteorite back in court
> (A more than 10-year battle Daniel Sabo has had with the
> Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) continued Monday in
> the Yukon Court of Appeal.)  by Stephanie Waddell, Whitehorse
> Daily Star, November 6, 2012
> http://www.whitehorsestar.com/archive/story/decade-long-disagreement-over-meteorite-back-in-court/
> In this article, Mrs. Waddell wrote,
> ?While Sabo has estimated the rock?s value at $12.1 million,
> Alexander Benitah, who?s representing the Attorney General
> of Canada in the case, pointed to estimates that had it come
> in between $1,000 and $2,500 based on the evidence of the
> GSC.
> He argued Sabo?s valuation is based solely on the highest-priced
> meteorite Sabo found on the Internet, while the $1,000 to $2,500
> is based on the evidence of the GSC.?
> Finally, MikeG stated.
> ?Lastly, the guy sounds like some sort of conspiracy nut who
> claimed GSC switched out his meteorite and gave him an
> imposter in return. Then he demanded $12 million in damages,
> which was denied.?
> The below articles are rather revealing of the entire controversy
> and Daniel Sabo?s state of mind.
> 1. Meteorite conspiracy could be on the rocks by Tristin Hopper,
> Yukon news, September 12, 2008 http://yukon-news.com/news/9865/
> 2. A tale of two meteorites by Tristin Hopper Yukon News,
> July 18, 2008, http://www.yukon-news.com/sports/9552/
> For example, Mr. Sabo believes not only did the Canadian
> Geological Survey replaced his meteorite with a carefully sculpted
> replica made from another meteorite, but they also gave his
> original meteorite to NASA?s Johnson Space Laboratory. He
> also claims that the ?fusion crust? on the specimen was faked
> using ?aluminum ? embedded with iron particles to simulate
> the magnetic properties of magnetite.?
> Yours,
> Paul H.
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Received on Mon 11 Feb 2013 11:59:32 PM PST

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