[meteorite-list] AD meteorites with museum provenance + correpondence letters (have a look!)
From: The Tricottet Collection <tricottetcoll_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 13:04:31 +0000 Message-ID: <BLU171-W22C06E46F83E36A2301AB7DD060_at_phx.gbl> Dear all, major update in the Tricottet Collection trade list, have a look here: http://www.thetricottetcollection.com/tradelist.html Includes a 1,270-gram Monnig Tulia stone, a 650-gram Huss Wellman (c) stone, specimens from Cornelius, UNM, Buddhue, Nininger, Krantz... Note also the sculpted 240-gram Canyon Diablo from the personal collection of Nininger, one of the rare ones to be listed in his 1950 catalog and subsequent ASU catalogs!! Also available some rare correspondence letters on meteoritics, from R. Hutchison (British Museum), C. Moore (Stanford), or R. Norton (of Rocks from Space! about Rocks from Space!). You can also find a rare eyewitness account of a bolide in New Zealand in mid 20th century While I prefer trades (for: Holbrook stones from museum/old collection, stones with multiple museum numbers/labels, collection catalogs), sales are also a possibility. Have a look, Arnaud The Tricottet Collection (Historic Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites) http://www.thetricottetcollection.com/ http://www.facebook.com/TheTricottetCollection http://twitter.com/TricottetColl# Received on Thu 07 Feb 2013 08:04:31 AM PST |
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