[meteorite-list] Looking for UNWA type 3 individuals

From: André Moutinho <moutinho_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 15:08:52 -0200
Message-ID: <51113ca415e06_590678ad46c167a_at_a4-winter14.tmail>

Hello all,

I want to practice making some slice with my new cutting machine. It is small and the pieces need to fit in a area of 48mm x 60mm.
I believe pieces of between 100g-200g. Looking for nice and cheap type 3 UNWA to practice cutting some slices. Also if you have any other
cheap UNWA that you think interesting for slicing I can consider. Email me pictures please: moutinho at gmail.com.

Best Regards,
Andre Moutinho
Received on Tue 05 Feb 2013 12:08:52 PM PST

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