[meteorite-list] Tucson, day one

From: steve arnold <chicagosteve1954_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 21:49:42 -0600
Message-ID: <CACgEgUT=9NNH1dAfpfW9_t_hpdMTgZ9ng84pUGqPju0amDyPNg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Good evening list. Well day one from Tucson is over and I had a ball.
I got in at 10:45 am today. I had to take a $30 cab ride because my
ride never showed up. Anyway I got to the inn suites there and went
over to hans koser's room. Boy he is full of new campo's. Plus there
is a new main mass of TAZA. A 160 kilo piece. An absolute stunner.
Afterwards I went to mike farmers room. And for the first time in my
10 years of going to Tucson, mike had the room to himself. And as
usual he had the best meteorites and the best displays. Jim strope was
there as well. Later I went over to the jenkersens room. Very nice
admire pallasites, canyon diablo's and a huge admire piece outside
their room. The I went over to E T,s room 103. He had his usual great
meteorite selections. Also he had some of his famous meteorite library
for sale as well. But no famous chocolate candies. Then I went over to
room 338 where the Russians were selling some nice sikhote-alins from
$1.50 a gram up to $5 a gram. I bought a 9 gram sa with a hole as
big as it. All the Russians had great S A,s. I also got a 10 gram
broken sikote-alin with rollover lipping for $10. Later I went around
to other rooms and said my hello's. I went to Geoff notkins room where
we had a picture taken of us as the "alternate" meteorite men. Then I
went and said hello to ann black and watched her put here room
together with here usual great stuff. I went and said my hello's to
pani of pani meteorites. I also saw mo karl who has his own room with
killer meteorites as well. after lunch I met up with gary fujihara in
hans room. Then I walked over to blaine reeds room at the ramada. He
had his usual great stuff. Mike Martinez made his annual token
appearance. I went over to said haddneys room and bouht a 118 gram
oriented fragment with great flow lines. Later I walked back to the
inn suites and saw bob hag doing a small documentary and was great to
get in on it as he was talking about the KATOL meteorite fall. After
that we went to dinner at mimi's caf? and came back to relax for the
night. Another great day to the start of a great 5 day vacation.
Tomorrow a full day of walking to see the other great dealers and
their great meteorites. Well that's it from oro valley. Till tomorrow
Have a great night and I hope another full happens tomorrow.

Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.
Received on Fri 01 Feb 2013 10:49:42 PM PST

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