[meteorite-list] NEED HELP FOR A FRIEND ... Please.... correction

From: michael cottingham <mikewren_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 12:25:14 -0700
Message-ID: <EB9C4EB5-DA16-4D18-B98E-B969E29B8153_at_gilanet.com>


On behalf of a close friend, I have decided to ask for help from the meteorite community.

Recently my friend of almost 30 years, Leo Mercado lost his daughter Audrey. She was 27 years old and Audrey had 3 beautiful little girls. She died suddenly from a heart attack due to an embolism. This event has left the family in deep shock, of course. I know many of you remember that I lost my daughter Sarah in June of 2012. I can relate to what Leo is going through.

Leo Mercado is a good man who has helped many people with his medicine work. He is a native of Arizona and is a Medicine Man of the highest kind. He lives simply and does not have many financial resources. I would like to sell a lot of my ebay items this week and give him the money for funeral expenses and such for his daughter Audrey.

I am not asking for money outright, but if there is anything in my ebay store that you might want... please buy now. I will be giving Leo and his family all the proceeds from my sales for the next 5 days.

*Also, if there is nothing in my ebay store that interests you, but you would still like to help, you can send a donation to my paypal account, mikewren at gilanet.com please mark for Audrey.

Check These out:

Michael Cottingham




Received on Fri 01 Feb 2013 02:25:14 PM PST

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