[meteorite-list] Meteorite preservation question

From: André Moutinho <moutinho_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 16:19:47 -0200
Message-ID: <CACix5c1WUmXd2OeXrvoSvMW9eWywxAqLSXKZXO8x4oyVE-MVkg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello all!

I am trying to find a better method to preserve iron and pallasite
slices from rusting. I currently use that standard plastic box with
silica and a good closing tape. The silica remains unsaturated for
about 6-12 months and after this time I need to replace it. Does
anyone here tried a closing method such as glue to prevent any
moisture to get into the box and eliminating the annoying 6-12 months
periodic maintenance?

I still have 2 small Bendego 2.43g and 5.15g slices available. Also
have some new Campinorte shale never available to the market.

Happy New Year
Received on Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:19:47 PM PST

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