[meteorite-list] AD: A crowdfunded network of inexpensive fireball cameras on Indiegogo

From: Michael Mazur <mjmazur_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 17:59:45 +0000
Message-ID: <CAN2W2=Ti7RYTpnYM1M9W=HwgPp3dPQ5e-RmarSVUcp77x8bwZQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

As this is related to making it easier to find meteorites, I thought
that I'd post it to the list...

In short, we've launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to
create an inexpensive, Raspberry Pi -powered all-sky camera system
capable of capturing fireballs and computing the final resting place
of possible meteorites in near-real-time. The camera design is the
easy bit and we're now building the software and network database to
collate and manage the data and distribute the results once solutions
are available. The software will be freely available once complete
but, if you visit the campaign site, you'll see that we have a number
of perks to encourage people to help out.


>From the campaign site, you can pre-order a camera (last minute gift
idea here...) or just help us out by sharing the campaign with the
world. If you do want to share the project with others, the best way
to do it is by using the sharing tools near the top of the page. It's
best to do this while logged into Indiegogo so that you'll get credit
for any 'referrals' that come from the share (important if we run
contests based on referrals).

We think that Project Heimdal is a pretty exciting project, and if
anyone here would like to contribute to any part of the project
(coding, graphics, PR, design, writing, etc. ), feel free to send me a
note. We want this to be a community effort that's fun and educational
for all.

Thanks for reading this far, and have a safe and happy holiday and a
great new year!

Mike Mazur
Michael Mazur
Lag?rdsveien 131
4011 Stavanger
Received on Tue 24 Dec 2013 12:59:45 PM PST

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