[meteorite-list] Rare space rock goes unnoticed for 140 years - space - 13 December 2013 - New Scientist

From: Anne Black <impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 14:40:15 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <8D0C71B718E05A2-ECC-EA4F_at_webmail-m262.sysops.aol.com>

Thank you Marco, but one question.

I notice on the old label the word "Orgeuil". Could this mean that
whoever wrote that label suspeected the stone to be a meteorite, and
compared it to the Orgueil meteorite?
(sorry I cannot read your explanation in Dutch).

Anne M. Black
IMPACTIKA at aol.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Marco Langbroek <marco.langbroek at online.nl>
To: meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sat, Dec 14, 2013 11:33 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rare space rock goes unnoticed for 140
years - space - 13 December 2013 - New Scientist

> Hi listoids,
> No "Diepenveen", as the meteorite is now officially called, in the
Met Bull,
> Best regards.
> Michel Franco
> IMCA 3869

That's because the meteorite still has to be submitted. It's not an
name yet.

It will probably be submitted in the next few weeks after some
microprobe work to complement earlier preliminary work.

I am one of the PI's on this meteorite.

The meteorite is "officially" the 5th meteorite of the Netherlands in
the sense
that we have established it is a meteorite indeed, a CM Carbonaceous
more exactly, and not paired to a known meteorite.

Last Thursday, the former owner of the meteorite in a ceremony handed
over the
stone to the Dutch National Museum of Natural History in Leiden, with
present, hence why it is in the news now.

For some pictures of the stone, see here:


(apologies that there is only a Dutch text for the moment)

More news on this meteorite somewhere next year when we have completed
analysis. Besides our VU University Amsterdam, several international
institutions are involved (Oxygen isotopes were done at UNM for example
and CRE
at UC Berkeley) and research is still ongoing.

This is the 5th surviving meteorite of the Netherlands but the third
chronologically if we look at the fall date, 27 October 1873.
Chronologically it

is the 2nd witnessed CM fall, after Cold Bokkeveld.

For those of you who master Dutch, there is a TV news item in Dutch
about the
handover ceremony here, including some short snippets of interview with
me, the
former owner, and the amateur astronomer who basically 'rediscovered'
it in the
former owner's rock collection 139 years after it fell:


There is only one stone (a half stone actually: 50-65% fusion crust),

weighing 68 grams before sampling. It came in a wooden box with a
hand-written label with details including location, date, time,
phenomena, name
of the person who picked it up etcetera. With some additional archive
we can pinpoint the fall location to a few hundred yards.


- Marco

Dr Marco Langbroek

Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
VU University Amsterdam

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Received on Sat 14 Dec 2013 02:40:15 PM PST

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