[meteorite-list] Major Event Captured via AllSky Camera

From: Jim Wooddell <jim.wooddell_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 08:44:48 -0700
Message-ID: <52A736F0.7080103_at_suddenlink.net>

Hi all!

Was checking through all the meteor events last night and caught this
fantastic capture at 1210_084207 UTC.

Local witnesses are calling this a UFO because they just could not see
it well enough. One witness stated, "Fast! It was faster than any
meteor I've ever seen!"

Once again, the Skycams came through and captured this great event and
clearly identify the objects. This capture if from the Sky Sentinel
Allsky Camera in
Parker, Arizona

This event is rarely captured and if it is, only happens once a year.

We are currently checking with the Radar gurus to see if there was a
radar trail.



Jim Wooddell
jim.wooddell at suddenlink.net
Received on Tue 10 Dec 2013 10:44:48 AM PST

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