[meteorite-list] The Jezersko meteorite - a new Slovenian meteorite
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 22:35:37 -0500 Message-ID: <CAKBPJW9MiKSNX63P6cW4ppbes=O7J6EF-bAVKLS-sSaogktBRw_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi Martin and List, The specimen shown is undeniably a meteorite. It looks like a weathered H chondrite, possibly an H4 or H5. It looks like a new Slovenian meteorite, if they put it through the classification and approval process to have it published. The only question would be, was the meteorite transported or is it a legitimate find? Given the apparent circumstances, it sounds like a legit find. Thanks for finding and sharing this Martin. :) Best regards, MikeG -- ------------------------------------------------------------- Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone ------------------------------------------------------------- On 12/2/13, karmaka-meteorites at email.de <karmaka-meteorites at email.de> wrote: > Dear list members, > > I've just found some information about the Jezersko meteorite. > > Is this really a new Slovenian meteorite? > > Does anyone have additional information? > > http://bojanambrozic.wordpress.com/2013/12/02/meteorit-jezersko-nov-slovenski-meteorit/ > > English translation: > > http://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=sl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fbojanambrozic.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F12%2F02%2Fmeteorit-jezersko-nov-slovenski-meteorit%2F > > Best regards > > Martin > ______________________________________________ > > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >Received on Mon 02 Dec 2013 10:35:37 PM PST |
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