[meteorite-list] Glorieta Hunt - "Diggers" episode Tonight NGC

From: Michael Mulgrew <mikestang_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:43:13 -0700
Message-ID: <CAMseTy2k-9jR-3d+Fq0jePSboRcC2kQD6Uwc3O37UEwK2k47bA_at_mail.gmail.com>

Adam and list,

Far be it from me to defend anything on tv, but I do know (first hand,
from the "Diggers" themselves) that they do not keep anything they
find, it all goes to the land owners, and that their goofy terms have
roots in the DVDs these guys originally made years ago and are used
solely for entertainment purposes, i.e. another over-produced aspect
of a cable television show. You and all other treasure hunters know
that these terms are fake, but that's ok because those terms aren't
for you, they're for the general public at home who know nothing about
treasure hunting and get a kick out of two wack-ohs running around and
getting crazy when they find something.

Any time anyone's passion/hobby is portrayed on a tv show, the "real
world" practitioners are going to be affronted; these are not the
target audiences for these types of shows. If I was the worlds
greatest nose picker and someone made a show about picking noses I'm
sure it would be portrayed all wrong and ruin nose picking for all of
us elite and dedicated Pickers.

So enjoy these shows for what they are, entertainment; they are not
meant to be taken seriously. Mainstream network news
(ABC/NBC/FOX/CNN/etc.) is just as fake and staged as all of these
shows, and I view it in the same light.

Michael in so. Cal.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Adam Hupe <raremeteorites at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yep, Glorieta will be the next area permanently off limits. These guys on Diggers are an embarrassment to the treasure hunting community. Treasure hunting club members that I stay in touch with cringe every episode knowing that these guys violate the rules and are ruining it for everybody else. The Cascade Treasure Hunting Club reminds its members that these guys are just rogue entertainers and that they are not real treasure hunters who tend to keep their finds to themselves or only share them with other club members.
> Lets go find some "Nectar" , "Juice" and "Roundness", baby talk terms used on the show that no real treasure hunter would get caught dead using in the field!
> Adam
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Received on Wed 28 Aug 2013 10:43:13 PM PDT

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