[meteorite-list] High-speed Impacts Test Technology for Future Missions

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 09:28:39 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <201308191628.r7JGSdBu021726_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>


High-speed impacts test tech for future missions
European Space Agency
19 August 2013

ESA is always thinking ahead to the next generation of space missions,
testing new technology far in advance to make concepts a reality.

One area being tackled by ESA's Future Missions Preparation Office is
the high-speed delivery of planetary penetrators to sample and analyse
the surface and immediate subsurface of a planet or moon.

Planetary penetrators are mini spacecraft that contain a suite of instruments,
but they land at high speed - tens to hundreds of kilometres per hour
- compared with the conventional 'soft-landers' that have previously been
used in planetary or lunar exploration. One benefit over landers and rovers
is that penetrators provide access to the subsurface without the need
for additional drilling or digging.

To test how well the penetrators and their precious instrument cargo would
withstand slamming into the surface of a planet at high-speed, a team
of scientists and engineers used a rocket test facility in Wales, UK,
to propel their model penetrators into either sand or ice.

By using these two very different materials, the team will learn more
about how penetrators might respond if they were used on a mission to
Mars or an icy satellite like Jupiter's moon Europa, for example.

The 20 kg penetrators were powered by 12 solid-propellant boosters to
reach an impact speed of 341 m/s - just under the speed of sound.

The movie presented here shows the spectacular impact into 10 tonnes of
ice, in slow motion since the entire test only lasted 1.5 seconds.

The sudden deceleration of the penetrator as it struck the ice reached
24 000 g. For comparison, astronauts typically experience 3-4g when they
are launched from Earth into space.

The ice immediately shattered, before crumbling into crushed ice grains.
Afterwards, the penetrator was retrieved intact, albeit scuffed from the
encounter and slightly dented where it struck the roof of the enclosure.

Testing in the coming weeks will reveal exactly how the penetrator's internal
structure survived the impact. The next main phase of development will
focus on the battery and communications systems that would also be needed
to survive the extremely high forces.

Even though penetrators are not part of any mission currently being planned
by ESA, it is important to test the feasibility of new technologies in
order to provide a wider range of mission opportunities in the years to

For a detailed journal report of the tests, including more videos of both
the ice and sand tests, see High-speed tests demonstrate space penetrator
concept on ESA's Science & Technology pages.

The ice impact was carried out on 11 July and the sand impact on 16 July
at the rocket sled facility at the UK Ministry of Defence Pendine site
in Wales.

The tests were part of ESA's Core Technology Programme for Cosmic Vision,
which is supervised by the Future Missions Preparation Office. The penetrator
development programme is being led by Astrium UK, with involvement by
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Qinetiq and Rapid Space Technologies.
Received on Mon 19 Aug 2013 12:28:39 PM PDT

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