[meteorite-list] Stone fragment from XinJiang Crater is officially confirmed not a meteorite!

From: Bofang Li <meteoritegarden_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 16:58:43 +0800
Message-ID: <CAH-+Jb3rA=Tj0Bv1Evji=QqbxEdDEjth36V7rCQckTkLMfeWEQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Mike and all,
Yes, I agree with you, but the fake-meteorite-boom started since 2010
and become worse and worse recently. Not only some cheaters selling
fake meteorites, but also some reputable Chinese collectors use their
purchased NWAs to claim they were found in Chinese desert or Gobi
areas in order to attack more media attention and sell more money.
Nowadays, in China, all kinds of fake-meteorite-events will have a
profit chain on the backside, and single honest person can hardly beat
with numerous profit chains. If you pointed out a mendacity, blames or
even rumors will be flooded to you soonly on the internet. In this
condition, most Chinese scientists and honest collectors choose to be
quiet when faced with a fake-meteorite-event. Now, it became a trend,
official medias will be likely to report fake-meteorite-events, as
those fake events normally will use the exaggerative advocation and
will attrack more click-rates for the medias, such as "someone possess
a tons weight meteorite (actually the stone is a slag) and have been
authenticated by an expert from Beijing Plenatrium which worth of 4
times price of the equal weight gold..."

MetSoc member
IMCA #1371
Received on Sat 17 Aug 2013 04:58:43 AM PDT

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