[meteorite-list] Met Bulletin Update - Ladkee 2012 Fall and 16 Desert Meteorites

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 00:47:46 -0400
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW_NDE36yAV-9SYuxXWw59M0gmLi3c1WSVvYofecqy0Wsg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Bulletin Watchers,

The May 04, 2012 "Diplo" fall in Pakistan has been approved as
"Ladkee". There are also 16 other approvals from NWA and Chile. Most
are OC's, but there are also a few CV types.

Link - http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?sea=&sfor=names&ants=&falls=&valids=&stype=contains&lrec=50&map=ge&browse=&country=All&srt=name&categ=All&mblist=All&rect=&phot=&snew=2&pnt=Normal%20table&dr=&page=0

Unofficial witnessed falls page (showing Ladkee update) -

Ladkee write-up :

Ladkee 24?22?40"N, 69?40?50"E
Sind, Pakistan
Fell: 4 May 2012
Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H6)

History: According to Ghulam Mustafa Laghari (SUPARCO), on May 4, 2012
around 10:30 pm local time (5:30 pm UTC), many people in the Tharpakar
district, Sindh province of Pakistan, observed a fireball that
disintegrated into many pieces. Some of the villagers in the town of
Ladkee were sitting outside the Government Primary School and heard
the sound of an object falling to the ground in the school?s backyard,
but because of darkness they were unable to find it immediately. The
next morning they went to the school?s backyard and found a 69 g black
stone in a small crater of sand.

Physical characteristics: Single, complete, fresh black fusion-crusted
stone. Broken surface reveals a fine mix of light gray, light brown,
and metallic grains.

Petrography: (C. Agee, UNM) Microprobe examination shows a texturally
equilibrated chondrite with a few indistinct chondrules, plagioclase
up to 100 ?m, abundant kamacite.

Geochemistry: (C. Agee,UNM) Olivine Fa18.8?0.3, Fe/Mn= 38?1, n=3;
low-Ca pyroxene Fs16.8?0.1Wo1.5?0.2, Fe/Mn= 22?1, n=3.

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H6), weathering grade (W0).

Specimens: 14 g including a microprobe mount on deposit UNM, main mass
is held by Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

Best regards and happy huntings,


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Received on Thu 01 Aug 2013 12:47:46 AM PDT

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