[meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk Sales-- Today versus Yesterday!

From: Don Merchant <dmerchan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:47:07 -0500
Message-ID: <000c01ce42ae$74438d90$6401a8c0_at_donaldmerchant>

Hi List. Just curious and was pondering a question. This in particular to
well known/better known Dealers and regular Sellers of meteorites. It seems
over the last month an increase in Dealers and Sellers (known, or at least
more familiar by names) are selling specimens of Chelyabinsk on eBay and the
List and their Websites. I have noticed a lower price per gram then what has
been seen at least on eBay in previous months. Maybe this price change is to
draw business away from the masses of people that were buying on eBay due to
the media attention of the Chelyabinsk event. Makes business sense.
Anyways...my question is... Did the delay of acquiring Chelyabinsk specimens
so late, compared to the many Russians that were selling Chelyabinsk fresh
specimens with in days of the fall on eBay, hurt sales or the price per gram
for those Dealers and Sellers who are just advertising now? Seems the early
sales by the Russians took in quite a bit of cash and diluted the market a
bit from February until recently when familiar Dealers/Sellers started
posting their Chelyabinsk sales. Just curious.Any thoughts?
Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
IMCA #0960
Received on Fri 26 Apr 2013 02:47:07 PM PDT

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