[meteorite-list] Yale scientists confirm rock that hit Wolcott house was meteorite, might have caused Friday 'boom'

From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 17:56:46 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <1366765006.50789.YahooMailNeo_at_web162601.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>

Hello Listers,
It confirmed Wolcott had a meteorite fall and its in my neck of the woods kinda :)
Take a look at the news link .
Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633
ebay store
By Martin O?Sullivan
Special to the Register
Yale scientists confirm rock that hit Wolcott house was meteorite, might have caused Friday 'boom'
WOLCOTT ? A rock that caused damage to a Wolcott home over the weekend has been confirmed by the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History as a meteorite.

Peabody spokeswoman Melanie Brigockas said it was determined to be "one of the most common types of meteorites," ordinary chondrite.

The meteorite has a thin, black crust from burning as it entered the Earth's atmosphere, and a light grey interior, according to a Peabody release.

Larry Beck called the Police Department Saturday morning to report that a rock crashed through his roof Friday night.
Although it had not been confirmed as such, ?all indications say that it is probably a meteorite,? said Police Chief Edward Stephens earlier Tuesday. He said, after comparing pictures of actual meteorites to the rock in question, ?it does appear to be a meteorite.?

Received on Tue 23 Apr 2013 08:56:46 PM PDT

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