[meteorite-list] Ad: NWA 7325 - absolutely unique achondrite

From: Stefan Ralew <stefan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 19:55:40 +0200
Message-ID: <E996141366114BB383868A54496C5E47_at_StefanPC>

Dear list members,

today I would like to offer a few pieces of the famous and absolutely unique
achondrite NWA 7325, from which scientists believe that it could be the
first sample of the planet Mercury. I think the topic is already well known
and it is probably not becessary to write here a lot about it. For all
interested people,
I've collected some links below with some general information and also some
pros and cons about the Mercury connection of NWA 7325. Let me point out
that the research of NWA 7325 is still relatively in the beginning, so
certainly more interesting reports will follow.

Without doubt, NWA7325 is a meteorite of one of a kind, something like that
was never found before. And between the many extremely rare meteorites I've
discovered in over 10 years, this one is the absolute rarest, rarer than any
Lunar or Martian meteorite. Not only the rarest, but also the most
beautiful. People who got a piece of it, could not believe their eyes and
never thought that a meteorite could look like this. It is an absolutely
amazing find, and it was for several weeks subject in the news around the
world, from NBC, CNN to Sky &Telescope.





Please email me off-list if your are interested in a piece of NWA 7325. I
will give your further information about available pieces and their sizes.

Best regards,
Stefan Ralew

Received on Sun 21 Apr 2013 01:55:40 PM PDT

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