[meteorite-list] Third set of Human remains found in the Casa Grande?Stanfield Strewn Field / update

From: wahlperry at aol.com <wahlperry_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 11:24:03 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <8D005A8E5938703-808-4A8FC_at_webmail-d204.sysops.aol.com>

Hi Bob and List,

>I sure hope there are no more bodies found, as well, Sonny. Although
there has been no forensic evidence found, so far, that suggests
foul-play, which leaves weather-related causes as the "usual suspects",
there have been reports from the field of attempted theft of vehicles
and/or theft of items in those vehicles (in broad daylight).

Actually this new discovery would be the fourth body recovered from the
strewn field/area. I had forgotten about this last night. I was told a
man was found shot about a month prior to the discovery of the strewn
field. This body was found right where I was parking my truck. I also
learned from a BLM ranger that a ranger was shot and killed up in the
mountains in the saddle of a mountain a few years ago. As for knowing
the cause of death for the other 3 sets of remains it may never be
known. The whole strewn field is the ending point /drop off where the
drug contraband is picked up. One guard is left to protect the
contraband and the other mules go on their way. This makes the lone man
an easy target for other runners to profit. This is one of the reasons
not to wear camo in the strewn field while hunting. I was told that
these groups wear camo to help conceal themselves and also carry
rifles. If another group is spotted the fire fight is on. Three
officers encountered this situation in the vicinity of the RV park a
few years back. I spoke to another meteorite hunter who had an
encounter with a man wanting to know what he was doing in the area. As
their conversation came to an end the man walked off and was joined by
three other men who were fully armed that were watching the
conversation from a short distance. These guys were not playing around!
I urge everyone to be on guard as they are walking the strewn field.


>Also, have there been any actual finds made in Casa Grande, or have
they all been made in the Stanfield area

As far as I know nothing has be found in the Casa Grande area. I just
used this name because people are familiar with it and the fireball was
called the Casa Grande fireball for years in news reports.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser at yahoo.com>
To: wahlperry <wahlperry at aol.com>
Cc: Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2013 1:55 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Third set of Human remains found in the
Casa Grande?Stanfield Strewn Field

I sure hope there are no more bodies found, as well, Sonny. Although
there has been no forensic evidence found, so far, that suggests
foul-play, which leaves weather-related causes as the "usual suspects",
there have been reports from the field of attempted theft of vehicles
and/or theft of items in those vehicles (in broad daylight). So,
unfortunately, the warning is still "be careful out there"!Also, have
there been any actual finds made in Casa Grande, or have they all been
made in the Stanfield area?Bob V. --- On Thu, 4/11/13,
wahlperry at aol.com <wahlperry at aol.com> wrote:> From: wahlperry at aol.com
<wahlperry at aol.com>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Third set of Human
remains found in the Casa Grande Strewn Field> To:
meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013,
7:33 PM> Hi List,?> > > I just finished reading a link to a story that
is an> unfortunate reality in the Casa Grande area strewn field. To> my
knowledge this is the third body discovered. I came> across one,
another man I met in the field found one and now> this one. I sure hope
there are not anymore.?> >
> > Sonny> ______________________________________________> > Visit the
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Received on Fri 12 Apr 2013 11:24:03 AM PDT

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