[meteorite-list] House-AD: In Honor of Vesta - Dreampiece (only AHOW-an) and Dreambits
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 22:50:17 +0200 Message-ID: <00ac01ce349a$ad5ec440$081c4cc0$_at_de> Dear collectors, the Meteorite House crew is of the opinion, that in all that Chelyabinsk-hustle it would be unfair to neglect one of our all favorite luminary; Goddess Vesta - now where the Dawn spaceprobe said farewell to her (what a picture!): http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/685735main_pia15678-43_full.jpg Dawn, which had made a pass to her in such an unbeseeming manner, that the wrinkles of the Lady became visible, her pockmarks and the layers of powder she applied to cover them - and that we got the final missing evidence, that some of the rocks in our drawers and cabinets are truly of Vesta's belongings. Therefore we compiled a little piece, wherein specimens for really everyone can be found, from the budget collector, who nevertheless doesn't want cut back in quality to the toppest notch, who has severe problems to find still something substantially new for his/her collection. Four movements we have to play, but we try to keep it short this time, for not taxing your attention span (which is getting shorter and shorter in the FB-ages). 1st) NWA 6475 Cuuutest pearls and real gems, crusted and fresh individuals of a polymict eucrite. (All love them. And don't worry, also the highrollers amassing stones of museums sizes - quite all of them have a feeble for such miniatures! And will set 6475 with caution between their Mini-Camel Dongas and Bilangas). Btw. also internally NWA 6475 has all, a fine polymict EUC needs, even larger carbonaceous inclusions, here an example: http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_end_1_59_g_01.JPG It's our second lot, the first one went so quickly, that nothing was left to advertize here, sorry. Same price. Fresh Individuals (the numbers painted on them are Buhl-numbers from the Meteorite Recon Coll.): A) 1.24g $40 A little bit broken, but in the crack by chance you find a large eucrite-nest. http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_24_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_24_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_24_g_03.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_24_g_04.JPG B) 1.77g $57 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_77_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_77_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_77_g_03.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_77_g_04.JPG C) 1.83g $59 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_83_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_83_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_83_g_03.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_83_g_04.JPG D) 1.94g $63 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_94_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_94_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_1_94_g_03.JPG E) 3.31g $107 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_3_31_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_3_31_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_3_31_g_03.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6475_3_31_g_04.JPG 2nd) Exclusive reference specimens for numbers fetishists. There we'd have to offer as specialty three different eucrites of newer and newest NWA-entries. Exclusive they are inasmuch as these numbers are not available else than through these few references pieces, while the rest of the masses remained in the private collection of the purchasers + at the classifying institutes. Hence stuff and in sizes, which would most probably disproportionally highly paid, if thrown into ebay. However, they are pretty fresh! F) NWA 6730 Bulletin entry: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=54599 A monomict one (monomict eucrites are rarer than polymict ones). Well fresh, note the fusion crust on the edge. Displays two lithologies, one is leopardialic Millbillillie-style, the other coarser (to the left, down). Two grinded slices in a box: 1.97g + 1.21g = 3.18g $59 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA6730_3_18_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA6730_3_18_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA6730_3_18_g_03.JPG G) NWA 7705 A polymict eucrite and a true beauty. Nice extra - the finder is given in the Bulletin: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=57152 Elegant - we like especially the faint whitish cumuli clouds of the matrix, giving the view depth and the little black clasts and fragments like a flock of birds playing high in the air. It's only weakly shocked. It's even an idea fresher than the first one, as one can detect by means of the fusion crust. Two grinded reference slices 3.81g + 1.43g = 5.24g $124 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA7705_5_24_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA7705_5_24_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA7705_5_24_g_03.JPG H) NWA 7706 http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=57153 Remarkably stronger shocked is that new polymict eucrite. Had a typical high-gloss-crust, but unfortunately and despite its larger tkw, only that small crust-free cut fragment is available. 2.15g $37 3rd) Hibernal Noblesse That is NWA 6966, an eucrite, which you already know from former Vesta-festivals. The main mass before cutting is always again well worth to be admired: http://www.tucsonmeteorites.com/mpodmain.asp?DD=10/28/2011&WYD= Would have been a wonderfully oriented masterpiece, if it wasn't a fragment only. Before you beat us up, because that stone was sliced - it was a too expensive purchase, that in adding taxes&dues this specimen hardly would have been placeable in even asking not more than the own cost price. Doesn't matter, as the slices turned out to be very elegant. The minera/petrologic faddist may criticize the limited range of inclusions-diversity, the missing of colourfully weathered fragments and the absence of melts.. But in our eyes, meteorite collecting is also about assembling different views and aspects of the same class. And the outer appearance of NWA 6966 is noble. Monochrome, the eucrite nests how they dissolve more and more and emerge in the snow flurry of the matrix. That's why we called it "hibernal". For the girls, while other eucrites are Gucci - that NWA 6966 is Chanel. Well and in getting lost in regarding that slice, the synesthesist hears the famous Air by Bach. So, not too thin the slice is, to present enough of the fusion crust on the opposite edges, one side with caliche, the other black. We make it as a special sale a little bitcheaper than last time. 39.93g is the weight, the price $584 http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6966_39_94_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6966_39_94_g_03.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6966_39_94_g_04.JPG 4th) Grande Finale -Crownpiece of the Ad. Tatah! http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6709_30_03_g_01.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6709_30_03_g_04.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6709_30_03_g_03.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/NWA_6709_30_03_g_06.JPG Also this meteorite you should know already, it's the incredible NWA 6709, where a lot of "Wow"s were to harvest, when shown here for the first time on the list. Those were these two stones, where in some places the crust was shining in rainbow colours. But also inside it is so uncommon, that something similar is missing in any of the big collections. It is a howardite. Overall the tint is yellowish, but not due to weathering, it is a very fresh material, but because the othopyroxene of the diogenitic inclusions (which make up roughly a third of the stone) is so ferroan. Extremely shocked it is, so that NWA 6709 contains more maskelynite than usual, and some of the clasts were shocked to tiny lamella, which cause a strange iridescent effect if you turn the cut face in the light. Some of the clasts are simply whack. So first of all, you have here an howardite not of that concrete-style of a Kapoeta, Yurtuk or NWA 1109, where the most trained eye can make only a rough guess in watching a handpiece, whether it is a howardite or rather a polymict eucrite, but you see it at a glance. Well, we are not aware of any similar stone, so we strongly suppose, that for us it's the most extraordinary howardite a desert ever spew out. Just checked it btw. yesterday, among the 241 antarctic and non-antarctic howardite entries of the Bulletin Database, NWA 6709 is the only one officially listed as anomalous howardite "Howardite-an". However and though: You don't have yet something like that in your collection! Now, we have an endcut. Prominent researchers found, that stones have similar many ends than sausages. Send your thanks to the German tax office, which is more than lame in paying back refunds, for the chance to get your hands on that endcut, cause the specimen stems from Martin's private reserve. 30.03g it has, price is $1170 And that was it, Remains to wish you Joy & Success. Truly yours, Meteorite House A.Gren M.Altmann M.Kurschat E.& V. Received on Mon 08 Apr 2013 04:50:17 PM PDT |
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