[meteorite-list] Contest Entry Results
From: Kevin Kichinka <marsrox_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 12:07:34 -0600 Message-ID: <CANDn_7HFr4H_Xi2YQc4VE7uFCPiREp3G62jc88LbXdHkwjTVQQ_at_mail.gmail.com> Team Meteorite: I note the comments on average eBay prices for the Chelyabinsk met. For your entertainment and instant comaprison, here are the final received entries for the "Guess the per gram average dealer price for the Chelyabinsk meteorite on November 30, 2014 and win an ebook copy of "The Art of Collecting Meteorites" AND "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2015". For the tie-breaker, also indicate how many dealers will be offering this meteorite. The full contest rules can be found in the archives for March 25. Before viewing the list, but of note... I listened to the PBS interview with Meenakshi Wadhwa, a distinguished meteorite researcher, from a link posted here on the list, who would like a specimen or two predicting a price of ".... hundreds of thousands of dollars per gram..." Anyone selling this Russian meteorite would be advised to shoot Meenakshi an email inquiry. But why not surprise her with your low-priced offer? Final contest entries, from high to low are: Michael Brooks - $50/gm - 50 dealers Jan Woreczko - $37/gm - 8 dealers Bob King - $32/gm - 14 dealers Linda Barany - $30/gm - 25 dealers Jim Brady - $17/gm - 17 dealers Fed Hall - $15/gm - 25 dealers Mark Murphy - $11/gm - 22 dealers Don Hurkot - $7.47/gm - 27 dealers Paul Gessler - $7/gm - 12 dealers Ben Fisler - $6/gm - 15 dealers Anne Black - $5/gm - 8 dealers Gary Steward - $4/gm - 32 dealers Larry Atkins - $3/gm - 12 dealers Rob Holcomb - $1.50/gm - 15 dealers Good luck to all, the winner will be announced in December, 2014. Kevin Kichinka Rio del Oro, Santa Ana, Costa Rica www.theartofcollectingmeteorites.com 'The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013' Marsrox at gmail.com Received on Thu 04 Apr 2013 02:07:34 PM PDT |
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