[meteorite-list] New BLM Rules

From: Jim Wooddell <jimwooddell_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 15:37:15 -0700
Message-ID: <CAH_zgwGCa=vba5eZ=dejQjth7i31WTVCp_4urazpp662zC51Hw_at_mail.gmail.com>

I have been in communications with the BLM on and off all day. Art,
thank for the HTML reminder as I have been trying to post all day and
thought I had this set correctly!

Here is the first response:

Dear Mr. Wooddell: The application fee is dependent on the time it
takes for BLM to process the project proposal in the application. This
would be determined by the field office manager after the application
is submitted and reviewed. These fees would be estimated for you prior
to the processing of the application, and would include monitoring
fees as well. The permit application/ permit is 2920-1 attached; fees
would be on page 2 when a permit is issued. Some examples of what the
fees would be can be found on the following web site and one example
is attached. http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/more/lands.html You
mentioned a ?nation-wide? permit in your email. BLM issues permits on
a local level, and at maximum could be on a state-wide level, for
lands that we administer in the Western States. Thank you,Lucia Kuizon
I am not going to post their second response but they are now aware of
some issues that may or may not change the wording.
I feel it is imperative for NASA to reach out and support hunters on
this issue in regards to the need to hunt fresh falls immediately,
without delay of some permit process.  While they are claiming media
sparked this, most of us knew it was coming, just did not know when or
how the wording would be.
The current fee structure is twofold.  1.  The application / permit.
2.  The monitoring fee.  Currently the fees will range from ~$100 to
~$1100 for commercial hunters....those seeking profit.  This is based
on their current cost recovery methods.  I have both the application
and the fee schedule as example based on the above response.  If
anyone wants them shoot me a private email.
The big issue for hunters is that this will be based on a regional
level where each district supervisor may or may not have special
conditions, etc.  Bottom line is that it will be required to have
permits in different hunting areas and could greatly increase overhead
for professional hunters.  If hunters have to wait for a permit
process during a meteor event that produces meteorites, I feel science
Jim Wooddell
jimwooddell at gmail.com
Received on Thu 20 Sep 2012 06:37:15 PM PDT

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