[meteorite-list] Library III - Historic Books & Articles on special topics
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 18:58:58 +0200 Message-ID: <01fe01cdb13f$b1d36690$157a33b0$_at_de> Voil?, for those afficionados, who're collecting items to combine shipment, not having to wait so long, here already the next list of offers. Some true benchmark publications among them. Note btw. that at the modern online-article-services you have to pay often more for new scientific papers than these historical ones are now offered. Much success! (Last part will follow in a few hours) Martin 35a) RAMMELSBERG C.Rammelsberg: Die chemische Natur der Meteoriten. Zweite Abtheilung. Abhandlungen der K?nigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1879 64 pages. Lexicon-octavo. Condition: Mint! Content: Meteoreisen Pallasit Chondrit Chladnit Shalkit Anhang zum Eukrit (Shergotty) Howardit Kohlenstoff in Meteoriten Neue Mineralien der Meteoriten Uebersicht der isomorphen Mischungen der meteoritischen Olivin- und Augitsubstanz Verzeichni? solcher Meteoriten, deren erneute Untersuchung w?nschenswerth ist Tabelle I. Zusammensetzung der Meteoreisen Tabelle II. Zusammensetzung des R?ckstandes (Schreibersits) Tabelle III. Zusammensetzung der Chondrite Tabelle IV. Zusammensetzung der Silikate der Chondrite Tabelle V. Verh?ltni? des zersetzbaren Theils A und des unzersetzbaren B Tabelle VI. Zusammensetzung des zersetzbaren Theils (A) der Silikate Tabelle VII. Zusammensetzung des unzersetzbaren Theils (B) der Silikate Nachtr?ge (Carl Frierich Rammelsberg: http://kuerzer.de/Rammelsberg ) 70$ 35b) like 35a) Condition: near mint. 60$ 36) RINNE F.Rinne: Kugelrunde Eiskrystalle und Chondren von Meteoriten. Separate print from Neue Jahrbuch f?r Mineralogie, Vol.1, 1897 3 pages. University Greifswald stamp on front. Condition: fine - good. (Friedrich Rinne: http://kuerzer.de/FRinne ) 5$ 37) TASSIN W.Tassin: On Meteoritic Chromits. >From Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum, Vol.34, N?1628, Washington 1908. 6 pages. Good - Very good. 10$ 38) WATSON F.G.Watson: Reflectivity and Color of Meteorites. Print from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Vol.24, N?12, 1938. Cover. "Harvard Reprint 155" stamp on first page. 6 pages. Contains 8 spectral-reflectance curves, 1 diagram. Condition: good. 15$ 39) HENDERSON E.P.Henderson: Meteorites and their Metallic Constituents. Separate Print from the Smithsonian Annual Report, Washington 1943 14 pages + 6 full-page tables, showing views of entire Freda and Tulia, etched slices of Bennett County, Negrillo, Grand Rapids, El Burro, Sandia Mountains, Reed City And micrographs of Tennasilm, Sharps, Shallowater, Nordheim, Hoba, Iquique, Tlacotepec. Condition: very good. 25$ 40) MASON I. Brian Mason: The Classification of Chondritic Meteorites. American Museum Novitates N?2085, New York 1962. 20 pages. Near mint. 25$ 41) MASON II. Brian Mason: The Hypersthene Achondrites. American Museum Novitates N?2155, New York 1963. 15 pages. 1 photomicrograph. Very good. 20$ 42) MASON III. Brian Mason: The Chemical Composition of Olivine-Bronzite and Olivine-Hypersthene Chondrites. American Museum Novitates N?2223, New York 1965. 38 pages. Multnomah library stamp on front. Mint. 40$ ALL 3 MASONS: 75$ 43) MOORE C.B.Moore, C.F.Lewis: The Distribution of Total Carbon Content in Enstatite Chondrites. Print from Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1, Amsterdam 1966. 4 pages. Good. 5$ 44) ROWE M.W.Rowe: Xenomalies. Nininger Meteorite Award Paper Center for Meteorite Studies, ASU, Publication N?4, Tempe 1967 48 pages, Softcover. Mint. (It's about Xenon anomalies in meteorites). 43$ 45) BUSECK P.R.Buseck, J.J.Goldstein: Olivine Compositions and Cooling Rates of Pallasitic Meteorites. Geological Society of America Bulletin Vol.80, 1969 20 pages. 2 full-page plates: cut surface of OLLAGUE, 2 micrographs of Imilac. Very good. 25$ 46) MUELLER R.F.Mueller, E.J.Olsen: Mineral Assemblages and the Chemical History of Chondritic Meteorites. Fildiana - Geology Vol.16, N?15, Chicago 1969. 34 pages. Stamp of Rijks Geologisch Dienst Heerlen on front. Mint. 28$ Received on Tue 23 Oct 2012 12:58:58 PM PDT |
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