[meteorite-list] Weird Meteorwrong from Austria
From: Paul H. <oxytropidoceras_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 21:19:52 -0500 Message-ID: <20121022221952.OMJSB.2781568.imail_at_eastrmwml114> While surfing the web recently, I came across this weird meteorite claim in an article, "Mystery Ball Is A Meteorite Claim" by Marija Andric from the December 19, 2009 CroatianTimes at: http://www.croatiantimes.com/news/Around_the_World/2012-09-19/29743/Mystery_Ball_Is_A_Meteorite_Claim It briefly mentions a "4-tonne" "mystery ball," which was found during road work" between Waizenkirchen and Grieskirchen," Austria. Although it is reported to be made of metal, I seriously doubt this as the picture, which accompanies the article, shows an object that appears to be virtually identical to large cannonball concretions. According the article, local people have postulated that it is either a meteorite, religious artifact, or somehow related to UFOs. These interpretations fall well into the wide range of ways, including dinosaur eggs, in which I have found people to have misidentified large cannonball concretions. Given that it was found within the North Alpine Molasse Basin, I suspect that this large, round object is a cannonball concretion. If so, a number of people have let their imaginations get carried away with them and it is certainly a bizarre example of a meteorwrong. I would be interested if anyone on this list has heard anything about this object. For the cannonball concretions that were misidentified as dinosaur eggs, a person can go to: Dinosaur eggs said found in Russia's Chechnya Rueters April 17, 2012 http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/04/17/russia-chechnya-dinosaurs-idINDEE83G0EH20120417 [Rockhounds] Dinosaur eggs said found in Russia's Chechnya http://lists.drizzle.com/pipermail/rockhounds/2012-April/037533.html For other pictures of cannonball concretions, a person can go to: (1.) "Tout ce que la nature ne peut pas faire, IV : sph?res de pierre" at: http://irna.lautre.net/Tout-ce-que-la-nature-ne-peut-pas,45.html (2.) " Boules de pierre en Slovaquie, R?publique Tch?que et Pologne" http://irna.lautre.net/Boules-de-pierre-en-Slovaquie.html (3.) "The Moeraki Boulders" at: http://homepages.ezysurf.co.nz/~middleimage/MoerakiBoulders.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moeraki_Boulders (4.) Koutu Boulders (Northland) at: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=186163b5-4303-4d0f-9e12-44a28d20c08f http://hokiangatourism.org.nz/activities/attractions/koutu-boulders http://www.hokianga.net.nz/hokianga/koutu/koutu_boulders.htm Some papers about the North Alpine Molasse Basin. Krenmayr, H. G., 1999, 2.3. The Austrian sector of the North Alpine Molasse: A classic foreland basin. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. Band 49, pp. 22-27. http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/BerichteGeolBundesanstalt_49_0022-0026.pdf http://www.geologie.ac.at/filestore/download/BR0049_001_A.pdf Hamilton, W., L. Wagner, and G. Wessely, 2000, Oil and gas in Austria. Mittcilungen der Oslerrcichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft. Band 92, pp. 235-262 http://www2.uibk.ac.at/downloads/oegg/Band_92_235_262.pdf Best wishes, Paul H. Received on Mon 22 Oct 2012 10:19:52 PM PDT |
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