[meteorite-list] AD: Library II - Monographs on other falls & finds.
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 21:44:59 +0200 Message-ID: <011701cdb08d$b9194210$2b4bc630$_at_de> Dear bookworms, Here already the next bundle of historic meteorite literature on single finds and falls. Again many first publication about the respective meteorite among them. (From yesterday still available are: 2) ANNAHEIM 3) BEAVER CREEK 4) BLITHFIELD 6b) CULLISON 12b) PERSIMMON CREEK ) Enjoy! (and my apologies for being sometimes slow - am still ill.) Martin Europe: 17) AARHUS A.V.Nielsen: The Path and Orbit of the Aarhus Meteorites. Meddelelser fra Ole Roemer-Observatoriet i Aarhus, N?23, 1953. No cover, 30 pages. Various diagrams. 5 pictures of smoke trail. Good condition. 30$ 18) AARHUS Callisen, Pauly: The Aarhus Meteorites. Matematisk-fysike Meddelelser, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Vol.34, N?1, 1963 36 pages, incl. 4 full-page plates & 13 photos in text. Cover. Very good condition. 35$ 19) LUNDSGARD O.Nordenskjoeld: Kemisk unders?kning af meteoriten fran OEstra Ljungby i Skane. Seperate print from Geol.F?rhandl. N? 138, Vol.5, Stockholm 1891. 8 pages. Stamp of univ. Upsala on cover. Near mint. 22$ 20) MADRID S.B.Mirat: Analisis Quimico de una de las Piedras Mete?riticas que cayeron en Madrid del B?lido del 10 Febrero de 1896. Separate print from the journal "La Naturaleza", Madrid 1869 36 pages, University of Greifswald stamp on cover. 1 image in text. With handwritten personal dedication of the author to Emil Cohen. Very good condition. 80$ 21) ORGUEIL K.Bostroem, K.Fredriksson: Surface Conditions of the Orgueil Parent Body as indicated by Mineral Composition. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections Vol. 151, N?3. Publication 4467. Washington 1966 40 pages + Appendix 9 full-pages pictures and 5 pages diagrams. Stamp geolog. Bureau Heerlen on cover. Pages still unopened. Very good condition. 40$ 22) OVIFAK (pseudometeorite) Th.Nordstroem: Kemisk undersoekning af Meteorjern vran Ovifak pa Groenland. ?fversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Foerhandlingar N?4, Stockholm 1870. 10 pages, loose sheets. No cover. Stamp of the Upsala university on 1st page. Clean. (Remark: The natural iron from Disko island was thought to be meteoritic firstly.) 10$ Australia 23) Suite of articles of A.Liversidge >From the Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Vol.16. Sydney 1882. BARRATTA The Deniliquin or Barratta Meteorite. BINGERA On the Bingera Meteorite, New South Wales. + 2 mineralogical articles: On the Chemical Composition of certain Rocks, New South Wales, &c. Rocks from New Britain and New Ireland. 60 pages. Pages loose. Two full-page plates of the Barratta mass. 1 full-page plate of Bingera from all sides (all three to be framed for Jeff's office..), 2 full-page plate of micro-photos of rocks. Condition: o.k. But plates are clean. 25$ 24) CAROLINE F.L.Stillwell: The Caroline Stony Meteorite. Separate print from Memoires of the National Museum, Melbourne 1941. 10 pages. 1 Full-page table with a view of the mass and 4 microscopic images. Light foxing of upper edge. University of Melbourne stamp: Separate Publication 236 and University of Delft (?) stamp on cover. Large 4? Good condition. 20$ South America: 25) BENDEGO O.A.Derby: Edtudo sobre o Meteorito de Bendeg?. Separate print from Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro 1896. Text in Portuguese and English. Folio(!). 98 pages. 26 images and engravings. Stamp of univ. Delft(?) and handwritten dedication (with a little text loss) of the author on cover. Good. 110$ Asia: 26) CHAINPUR K.Keil, B.Mason, H.B.Wiik: The Chainpur Meteorite American Museum Novitates N?2173, New York 1964 28 Pages. 1 photmicrograph, various diagrams. Multnomah County Library stamp on front. Very good copy. 18$ 27) GOALPARA N.Teclu: Chemische Untersuchung des Meteoriten von Goalpara in Assam (Indien). Sitzungsberichter der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vol.62, Vienna 1870. 3 pages. University Greifswald stamp on front. Condition: O.k. 5$ 28) NGAWI E.H.v.Baumhauer: Over den op 3 October 1883 te Ngawi in Midden-Java gevallen Meteorit. Separate print from Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam 1884 18 pages + 2 full-pages with views oft he meteorite, cross & thin section. University Delft(?) stamp on cover. Enclosed a flyer for a lecture of Baumhauer about the meteorite on 24th April 1884. Fine - good condition. 28$ 29) NGAMI Like 28) but in French. >From Archives Neerlandaises, Vol.19, 1884 Larger format than 28), therefore 12 pages text + 2 full-page plates. University Delft(?) stamp on cover. Back of cover loose. Good. 32$ 30) TJABE E.H.v.Baumhauer: Over den Meteoriet van Tjab? in Nederlandisch Indie. Separate print from Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam 1871 20 pages. University Delft(?) stamp on cover. Very good condition. 25$ The Moon: 31) LUNA 16 & 20 A.Cimb?ln?kov?, K.Jurek: Metallic Particles from LUNA 16 and LUNA 20 Regolith. Morphological features and chemical composition. Acta Universitatis Carolinae N?1-2, Prague 1978 30 pages. 30 half-page microscopic images. Mint. 30$ 30) LUNA 16 A.Cimb?ln?kov?, M.Palivcov?, M.Stasn?: Mare Basalt from the LUNA 16 Regolith. Acta Universitatis Carolinae N?1-2, Prague 1982 16 pages. 4 half-page microscopic images. 20$ Works about several meteorites at once: 31) KAROONDA, ERAKOT B.Mason, H.B.Wiik: Descriptions of Two Meteorites: Karoonda and Erakot. American Museum Novitates N?2115, New York 1962 12 pages. 1 full-page microscopic image. Near mint. 15$ 32) BATH, FRANKFORT, KANKANGARI, ROSE CITY, TADJERA B.Mason, H.B.Wiik: The Composition of the Bath, Frankfort, Kakangari, Rose City, and Tadjera Meteorites. American Museum Novitates N?2272, New York 1966 24 pages. 6 thin section pictures and 1 cross section Rose City. Multnomah County Library stamp on front. Near Mint 22$ 33) BOLIVIA, WESTERN ARKANSAS, SENECA TOWNSHIP G.P.Merrill: Heretofore Undescribed Meteoritic Irons from (1) Bolivia, South America, (2) Western Arkansas, And (3) Seneca Township. Separate print from Proceedings of the United States National Museum Vol.72. Washington 1927. Cover. 4 pages + 2 full-page plates showing Bolivia and Seneca Township. Condition very good. 18$ 34) NC Meteorites F.P.Venable: A List and Description of the Meteorites of North Carolina. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 1890. 22 pages. University Greifswald stamp on front. Good. 19$ Received on Mon 22 Oct 2012 03:44:59 PM PDT |
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