[meteorite-list] Exceptional nice Eucrite and a new Acapulcoite
From: almitt2 at localnet.com <almitt2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 06 Oct 2012 10:16:41 -0400 Message-ID: <20121006101641.ab6jt60t8hig48go_at_webmail.localnet.com> Mike, I can assure you that the Bill you are referring to would never send Bernd such a message from past emails that we have exchanged. You'll have to find another witch or better yet lets just talk about meteorites. --AL Mitterling Galactic, Stone & Ironworks Said: Quote: I strongly suspect this Bill is not named "Connoly". The negative tone, the poor grammar, and the disdain for anything he deems "spam" screams out as another Bill on this list. I think this fellow uses more than one identity on this List and this Connoly identity is nothing more than a "sock puppet" for this juvenile-adult to vent his bottomless spring of negativity. I think most of us know who I am referring to. I'm sure he will try to email me after I post this, but I have blocked this person and his emails go straight to my trash bin. Received on Sat 06 Oct 2012 10:16:41 AM PDT |
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