[meteorite-list] New fall Tata region found

From: Aziz Habibilp <azizhabibi_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 17:06:46 +0000
Message-ID: <F9155BC6-7263-4C89-8D45-4114547DC1FE_at_yahoo.com>

The new fall of Tata is found
I'm told it look like an l6
Has iron
But the story turn vinaigrette
The finders are asking price of Martian
I told so last year now no body sell
Advertising and tv news paper make a story
Now every fall in nwa will be priced Tissint we need time that people understand its not mars
All the best
Aziz h

Envoy? de mon iPhone
Received on Fri 02 Nov 2012 01:06:46 PM PDT

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