[meteorite-list] Question 1 & 2
From: pshugar at messengersfromthecosmos.com <pshugar_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 19:25:44 -0700 Message-ID: <20120527192544.979558876a36f2d1b40acd6b9bcaf01e.24e3ff771c.wbe_at_email09.secureserver.net> # 1 Does anyone have the link to the GIF file that showed the ISS assembly from start to finish? # 2 I got the mistake I made clear in my 2 brain cells. The moon does one revolution every month, always presenting the same side to the earth. How long since it stopped it's rotation. Do the science eggheads have any idea how fast it rotated after it was formed? Also, how fast did the earth spin at that time? Did the moon's tidal effect on the earth cause the earth's spin to slow? Thanks, Pete Received on Sun 27 May 2012 10:25:44 PM PDT |
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