[meteorite-list] Sutter's Mill BSE - two more

From: Richard Montgomery <rickmont_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 18:04:20 -0700
Message-ID: <A968C6ED79EE4474B2BBDF9D3D2C01B5_at_bosoheadPC>

Carl and List,

I'm struck by the chondrule variation...can't wait to see a TS (hi
Anne!)....so it's time to ask about the rabbit hole:

As I mentioned I'm just guessing here....not a CM2, due to chondrules
actually so present, right? Not a CM3 either (if there ever is such a thing)
due to the rim alterations and aqueous stuff; dark matrix like a CM, yet
more crowded chondrules; complete CaO crystals; lacking so far of seeing any
CAIs....what's your guess at this point??

Next Halloween I can dress up as a petrologist scientist....but won't fool
anyone. Fun to speculate, though.

Richard M

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Agee" <agee at unm.edu>
To: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>;
"Jeff Grossman" <jngrossman at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sutter's Mill BSE - two more

> Jeff,
> You mean the area in the SW quadrant? It's permeated with the bright
> material? It could be sulfide, but I didn't get a chance to EDS or
> probe it yesterday. It's all somewhat bewildering, there is so much
> look at, so I am starting with the simple stuff that give good
> microprobe totals -- haha!. Beware of this meteorite! Like going down
> the rabbit hole....
> Carl
> -----------------------------------------
> Carl,
> What's the difference between the two lithologies visible in the first
> of these two photos?
> Jeff
> On 5/25/2012 2:19 PM, Carl Agee wrote:
>> http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4042491099560&set=a.1076549432872.2012978.1200325441&type=1&ref=nf
>> http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4042494859654&set=a.1076549432872.2012978.1200325441&type=1&ref=nf
> --
> Carl B. Agee
> Director and Curator, Institute of Meteoritics
> Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
> MSC03 2050
> University of New Mexico
> Albuquerque NM 87131-1126
> Tel: (505) 750-7172
> Fax: (505) 277-3577
> Email: agee at unm.edu
> http://meteorite.unm.edu/people/carl_agee/
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Received on Fri 25 May 2012 09:04:20 PM PDT

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