[meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite education at the highest level.....
From: Bjorn Sorheim <astrogeo_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 14:57:37 +0200 Message-ID: <> Dear List, The Norwegian Astronomical Socierty (NAS) has a mailing list running for about 15 years. All kinds of questions, answers and discussions about topics in astronomy and related fields pops up. I'm sorry to say that knowledge about meteorites is not great, but then you might say that is geology. I read the list part time, and try to give some good info when I have the time. But sometimes I don't check for a long time. So the question below with an answer?? got through without me seeing it before today. Generally the list is a good source for info about astronomy, but the answer in this particular case is a far cry from a good answer...! I hope the poor first time poster -AleJunk!- wasn't totally put of the meteorite field! Shocking also was that no one else on the list tried to give him a decent answer. By the way, the person that answered here is known for these kind of raving answers, still not the best way to treat a serious question from a beginner... The question and answer you find below in the original norwegian version and translated by me and Google. I can certify the translation is really as good as can be... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [From NAS-list discussion] Sent: 08/04/2012 1:11 p.m. From: alejunk at aim.com To: nas-mailingliste at astro.uio.no Subject: meteorite Hello! This is the first time I write on this list even though I have benn a member here for many years. This have been a very good source of information but I think it has lost value a little when Odegaard disappeared. Okay, enough of that .. I currently have dug up the garden, and then of course I have been looking for black stones. I have found one stone, it is old and was well buried but it is absolutely black, very light and porous (not pumice) I can crush it to sand with my bare hands. It glitters a bit but because of the weight, I doubt it contains iron. I have tried to find out how to distinguish meteorite rocks from "normal type" stones, but have unfortunately not found any good info on this. So what I wonder is how can I find out which stone I have found? MVH Ale Junk --------------------------- Sent: 08/04/2012 4:32 p.m. From: Sverre Kolberg To: nas-mailingliste at astro.uio.no Topic: Regarding: meteorite oioi We have our ways. I once aquired the geology pin as a Boy Scout, and I have since then become a chemist, and has two terms of soil science at ?s[university level]. But concerning meteorites a whole new world opened up when I saw the meteorite collection of Morten Bilet and I had to take what I know about high-temperature ceramics and fire-resisting brick-laying and foundry subjects to dechiper them. An important rule is that it is automatically seized by the Director of Antiquities until otherwise evidenced, in case of real troll poop. And if it is land mines then a special procedure applies. The discovery of meteors in the 'R?ykenviken' is automatically seized by the Director of Antiquities as it may be riding spurs of Halfdan the Black [father of 1st ruler of Norway] one have found. It is important not to damage or crush the samples to be wise about them but rather to consider it and maybe ask someone and if something have to be analyzed, so with the least amount of material and preliminary examinations should be done first with representative material so you know that mastering the way and is reasonably able to find useful answers. Ask first and dig afterwards. I've been sitting in 20 years with the total unexplainable and British Museum in 120 years before humankind at all was qualified to say what it was. It turned out quite right to be real Troll poop as I thought it was. The Box with the strange in the Department of impossible and incredible Findings will be there at the British Museum So I can recommend the Geological Museum at T?yen[Oslo]. They could confirm the Real troll poop. S.K. (My explainations in [ ]) -------------------------------- Sent: 08/04/2012 4:57 p.m. From: alejunk at aim.com To: nas-mailingliste at astro.uio.no Subject: Re: meteorite Thanks for the reply but the distance is great. I can possibly enquire at 'Kometland' [local amateur observatory] rather. -----------------------------(Original norwegian versions)----------------------- Sendt: 08.04.2012 13:11 Fra: alejunk at aim.com Til: nas-mailingliste at astro.uio.no Emne: meteoritt Hei! Dette er f?rste gang jeg skriver p? denne listen selv om jeg har vert medlem her i mange ?r. Dette har vert en meget fin informasjons kilde men synes det har tapt seg litt etter ?deg?rd forsvant. Nokk om det.. Jeg har for tiden gravd opp hele hagen, og har da selvf?lgelig sett etter sorte steiner. Jeg har funnet 1 sten, denne er gammel og var godt nedgravd men den er helt sort, veldig lett og por?s (ikke pimp stein) jeg kan knuse den til sand med bare hendene. den glinser litt men pga tyngden tviler jeg der er j?rninnhold. Jeg har fors?kt ? fine ut hvordan man kan skille meteoritt stein ifra "normal flora" stain, men har dessverre ikke funnet noen god info om dett. S? det jeg lurer p? er hvordan kan jeg finne ut hvilken stein er det jeg har funnet? MVH Ale Junk --------------------------- Sendt: 08.04.2012 16:32 Fra: Sverre Kolberg Til: nas-mailingliste at astro.uio.no Emne: Vedr: meteoritt oioi Vi har v?re m?ter. Jeg tok en gang geologimerket i speideren, og s? er jeg siden dea blitt kjemiker, Og har to semester jordbunnsl?re p? ?s. Men hva gjelder meteoritter ?pnet det seg en helt ny verden da jeg s? meteorittsamlingen til Morten Bilet og jeg m?tte ta til hva jeg vet om h?ytemperatur keramikk og ildfast muring og st?perifag for ? tyde dem. Viktig regel er at det er automatisk beslaglagt av Riksantikvaren inntil annet er bevisf?rt, ifall det dreier seg om ekte trollb?sj. Og hvis det er landminer s? gjelder egen prosedyre. Ved funn av meteorer i R?ykenviken er det automatisk beslaglagt av Riksantikvaren fordi det kan v?re ridesporene til Halvdan Svarte man har funnet. Det er viktig ? ikke skade eller knuse pr?vene for ? bli klok p? dem men heller tenke seg om og kanskje sp?rre noen og hvis noe m? analyseres, s? ved minst mulig materiale og forpr?vene skal v?re gjort f?rst med representativt materiale s? man vet at behersker m?ten og er rimelig istand til ? finne brukbart svar. Sp?r f?rst og grav etterp?. Jeg har sittet i 20 ?r med det totalt uforklarlige og British Museum i hele 120 ?r f?r menneskegeten i det hele tatt var kvalifisert til ? si hva det var. Det viste seg ganske riktig ? v?re ekte trollb?sj slik jeg ogs? trodde. Skrinet med det rare i Avdelingen for impossible and incredible findings skal v?re der p? British Museum S? kan jeg anbefale Geologisk Museum p? T?yen. De kunne bekrefte Ekte trollb?sj. S.K. -------------------------------- Sendt: 08.04.2012 16:57 Fra: alejunk at aim.com Til: nas-mailingliste at astro.uio.no Emne: Re: meteoritt Takker for svar men avstanden er stor. kan muligens h?re p? kometland heller... ----------------------------------- Received on Wed 02 May 2012 08:57:37 AM PDT |
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