[meteorite-list] What private collector has the most localities?

From: Richard Montgomery <rickmont_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:18:08 -0700
Message-ID: <6DD80CFF41554C59B698DE091461B0AD_at_bosoheadPC>

Ah...while apparently size does matter, as does multiples of types, as does
the historic and preventional, as size apparantly does not matter, as does
rarity and recent falls vs. finds....let's all allow ourselves some levity
toward the periphery of our passion that would ellude the collector, of, for
example, Pez containers (thanks Kevin!)

Our's is to be celebrated, no matter how we arrived!

Richard Montgomery

----- Original Message -----
From: <almitt2 at localnet.com>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What private collector has the most

Hi Mike and all,

There are speck collections, micro collections, macro collections, and
on up. I tend to collect in the 200 gram range myself but have
specimens as large as 20kg range and small as 1/4 gram.

Someone could have a speck collection totaling 400 to 800. It would be
harder to collect the same in the other ranges and as the collection
size goes up. To me a collection piece has to be large enough to be
scientifically valuable.

Bottom line, someone could boast the most collection pieces and maybe
only have 50 or 60 grams total weight. A collection like some that you
mentioned could weigh in at several thousand pounds or well over
1,500,000 grams.

I'd define collections by size type and number of specimens in them for
a more realistic composition count on collections. Just my thinking.

--AL Mitterling

Quoting Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike at gmail.com>:

> Hi List,
> This is a curiosity-based question. I know many list members have
> outstanding and enviable collections. The Hupes, Farmer,
> Strope, and Kilgore come to mind as dealers/collectors who have
> collections of meteorites that most collectors would drool over.
> masses, football-sized planetaries, coffee-table sized slabs of
> pallasite, and historical rarities populate many high-end
> But, what I am curious about is - number of localities. What
> collector has the most localities represented in their collection?
> This number could include sub-gram micros, so I am thinking that
> "biggest" collection (in terms of localities and not specimen size)
> might not belong to one of the obvious heavyweights we would
> If there was a leaderboard for number of localities, who would be
> sitting on top of that list?
> Using the EOM website as a rough guide, it seems that Gerald
> has an impressive catalog of localities. But not every major
> collector uses the EOM, so who is top dog?
> For the record, my own collection numbers about 80 localities.
> number fluctuates frequently because my collection has a high
> rate, and I have had to sell off my entire collection three times
> pay bills. My locality count has dipped as low as 10 and peaked as
> high as 130. Of course, this is small potatoes. LOL.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
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