[meteorite-list] Quick Frozen Mammoths and The Younger Dryas Impact
From: Paul H. <oxytropidoceras_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:02:00 -0500 Message-ID: <20120320140200.ZJQW9.104115.root_at_eastrmwml105> In the post "some choice informed creative responses from 138 re wattsupwiththat.com blog article New evidence supporting extraterrestrial impact at the start of the Younger Dryas" at http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2012-March/083857.html Rich Murray wrote, "some choice informed creative comments from 138 re wattsupwiththat.com blog article New evidence supporting extraterrestrial impact at the start of the Younger Dryas: Rich Murray 2012.03.13 really nice to see so much friendly, cooperative sharing of ideas and evidence ! http://wattsupwiththat.com/2012/03/12/new-evidence-supporting-extraterrestrial-impact-in-younger-dryas/#comment-921464 " It is nice to see people sharing evidence. Unfortunately, sharing antiquated, discredited, and even fictional "evidence" only adds to the general s skepticism among Quaternary geologists and other Earth scientists about the Younger Dryas impact. People need to vet the material, which they are sharing, in order to make sure that they are not recycling long-discredited pseudoscience from Young Earth creationists, Velikovskians, and supporters of Earth Crustal Displacement and Charles Hapgood, and other fringe sources. Such material only serves to detract from they credible evidence that is presented concerning the Younger Dryas impact. For example, in the text quoted by Richard Murray, Myrrh wrote on March 12, 2012 ?There?s a lot of muck in this. If what?s being said here about quick-frozen not cold-adapted mamoths and tropical forests is indicative of the conditions which prevailed at the onset of the Younger Dryas?? First, the ?tropical forests,? which the above comment claims existed at the ?onset? of the Younger Dryas are completely imaginary in nature. In the considerable number of papers, monographs, and abstracts about the paleoclimatology of Alaska and northern Siberia, there is a complete absence of any evidence for the existence of ?tropical forests? within the Arctic region at anytime during entire Pleistocene Epoch and even during the preceding Pliocene Epoch as documented in various published papers and monographs, including Andreev et al. (2004, 2009, 2011), Brigham-Grette et al. (2007), Ukraintseva (1993), and Velichko and Nechaev (2005). Similarly, there is an abundance of published research, which soundly refute the various claims about ?not cold-adapted mammoths? which is a favorite claim of Young Earth creationists, i.e. Hans Krause and Joseph C. Dillow, and various fringe catastrophists, i.e. Ted Holden, as being quite scientifically illiterate. This is discussed by Philip R. Burns in ?Woolly Mammoths: Suited for Cold?? at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/mammoths.html#burns in http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/mammoths.html Myrrh also stated, ?Second, the well-preserved mammoths and rhinoceroses must have been completely frozen soon after death or their soft, internal parts would have quickly decomposed.? If a person reads what has been published about the mummified mammoths, rhinoceroses, and other large mammals, which have been found in the permafrost of Alaska and Siberia, they will find an abundance of evidence that they are not as well preserved as Myrrh falsely imagines and incorrectly believes them to be. In the published literature, i.e. Farrand (1961, 1962) and Kurten (1986), there is ample documentation and evidence that the majority of mummified mammoths, bison, and other large mammals suffered appreciable decomposition before being entombed in permafrost. In a number of cases, i.e. ?Blue Babe? (Guthrie 1988), there is solid evidence of scavenging before freezing and burial. Some examples are; I. Zimmerman and Tedford (1976), about tissue recovered from a mammoth mummy in Alaska, stated: "Abstract. Histologic examination of rehydrated tissue samples from late Pleistocene Alaskan) mammal mummies demonstrates that the preservative effect of freezing and drying extends to remains 15,000 to 25,000 years old. Some muscle and liver retained identifiable histologic structures. Most tissues were completely disintegrated and partly replaced by masses of bacteria, an indication of considerable postmortem decay before the remains were entombed beneath the permafrost zone." II. Kurtn (1986), about one Siberian mammoth mummy, wrote: "Various legends exist about frozen mammoths. It as been said, for instance, that the scientists who excavated the Beresovka mammoth, discovered in the year 1900, enjoyed a banquet on mammoth steak. What really appears to have happened (as I was told by Professor Anatol Heintz) is that one of them made a heroic attempt to take a bite out of the 40,000 year old meat but was unable to keep it down, in spite of a generous use of spices." and III. Kurtn (1986), about another Siberian mammoth mummy, noted that Otto Herz, a zoologist at the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, published an account about the expedition to the Beresovka River to salvage the mammoth carcass that had been discovered there in 1900. In this account, Otto Herz clearly stated that only the superficial part of this mammoth mummy had been preserved and that its internal organs had rotted away before the animal had become frozen. Kurten (1986) provides a detailed explanation about how the frozen mummies of mammoths formed without the need to invoke an extraterrestrial catastrophe of some sort. The idea that these mammoths were "flash-frozen at 150 below", as suggested by both Myrrh and in another post by "Caleb" is nothing more than Young Earth creationist pseudoscience as pointed out by Farrand (1961, 1962) and other paleontologists and Earth scientists. Finally, they also overlook the fact that the various mummies of mammoths and other large mammals range in age from 9,700 BP to greater than 39,000 BP. The majority of mummified mammoth and other mammal remains are far too old to have any association to a hypothetical Younger Dryas impact event. Some of the dates for mummified remains found in the permafrost are reported in Ukraintseva (1993) and ?Woolly Mammoths Remains: Catastrophic Origins?? by Sue Bishop at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/mammoths.html >From "Frozen Mammoths", Myrrh quoted, "Muck. Muck is a major geological mystery. It covers one-seventh of the earth?s land surface all surrounding the Arctic Ocean. Muck occupies treeless, generally flat terrain, with no surrounding mountains from which the muck could have eroded. Russian geologists have in some places drilled through 4,000 feet of muck without hitting solid rock. Where did so much eroded material come from?" As with the mummified mammoths, the "Frozen Mammoths," has its facts either wrong or grossly misinterpreted. The so-called " muck," which this article talks about is permafrost that is developed in a wide variety of sediments ranging in age from Holocene and Pleistocene to Cretaceous and a large variety of sedimentary deposits well-documented to have been deposited by a wide variety of depositional, i. e. alluvial, deltaic, lacustrine, Aeolian, and other processes. The age and origin of what Walt Brown, the author of this article, calls "muck" is well known and documented and not a mystery. The "tropical forest" described in the quote is not tropical and is Cretaceous in age and unrelated to any younger Dryas impact as many studies of the regional geology have demonstrated. It is important to note that the article, ?Frozen Mammoths,? which is found at http://www.grahamkendall.net/Unsorted_files-2/A312-Frozen_Mammoths.txt and is quoted by Myrrhis, is a direct reprint of a chapter from the Young Earth creationist book "In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood," by Dr. Walt Brown at: http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/FrozenMammoths2.html Both ?Frozen Mammoths? and other chapters in Walt Brown's book consists of Young Earth creationist pseudoscience which was fabricated to support Walt Brown's hydroplate "theory." Citing such scientifically illiterate writings certainly does absolutely nothing to enhance the credibility of the Younger Dryas impact theory. In another post, which Richard Murray quoted, Steve Garcia stated: ?Accounts from early expeditions exist, if not exactly journals. In 1829 German scientist G.A. Erman went there to measure the magnetic field. Here is some of what he said: In New Siberia on the declivities facing the south, lie hills 250 or 300 feet high, formed of driftwood, the ancient origin of which, as well as the fossil wood of the tundras, anterior to the history of the Earth in its present state, strikes at once even the most uneducated of hunters. . . .? There are dangers in relying upon publications and interpretations, which are over 180 years old. In this case, Erman's interpretations have been greatly revised by more recent and detailed research and the development of absolute dating techniques and in the understanding of sedimentology and other Earth science disciplines. In this case, it is now very well documented that these hills are not formed of driftwood. Instead, they are composed of highly folded layers of Cretaceous sand, silt, mud, clay, and brown coal. These beds contain numerous abundant logs, leaf prints, other plant debris, and buried forests of upright tree trunks, which Erman confused with driftwood (Klubov et al. 1976). The age and sedimentology of the strata containing , Erman's so-called "driftwood" refute any possibility that it is associated with an Younger Dryas impact. He further quoted G.A. Erman as stating : ?Other hills on the same island, and on Kotelnoi, which lies further to the west, are heaped to an equal height with skeletons of pachyderms [elephants, rhinoceroses], bisons [sic], etc?, which are cemented together by frozen sand as well as by strata and veins of ice. . . . On the summit of the hills they [the trunks of trees] lie flung upon one another in the wildest disorder, forced upright in spite of gravitation, and with their tops broken off or crushed, as if they had been thrown there with great violence from the south on a bank, and there heaped up.? If a person consults more recent publications, i.e. Dorofeev et al. (1999), Makeyev et al. (2003) and Schirrmeister et al. (2010), they will find that Erman's descriptions of hills being heaped with skeletons and trees being flung about in the "wildest disorder" with "their tops broken off or crushed" are greatly exaggerated and involved a great degree of misinterpretation and imagination that lacks any documented basis in reality. It is true that some of the Pleistocene strata are very fossiliferous as they contain abundant well-preserved fossil bones (Dorofeev et al. 1999). This is a result of them being preserved in permafrost. The majority of both the deposits and fossil bones predate the Younger Dryas by tens of thousands of years. Within Kotelny Island, the Late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits underlie terraces along streams and river and lack any evidence of any catastrophic event (Makeyev et al. 2003, Schirrmeister et al. 2010). Talking about Edward von Toll, Steve Garcia stated, ?And Edward von Toll visited from 1885 to 1902, and found them [wood hills] to cinsist of carbonized trunks of trees, with impressions of leaves and fruits.? As previously mentioned, the "carbonized trunks of trees, with impressions of leaves and fruits" of the wood hills are Cretaceous in age. Thus, it is rather silly and counterproductive to used these fossils as evidence of a Younger Dryas impact. Such fossil trees even predate the Chixulube impact. That the observations and interpretations of Edward von Toll, Erman, and other early explorers have been found in the decades since they were made to be quite speculative, highly imaginative and in many cases quite wrong. As a result, it is entirely misleading for a person to used them as evidence for any type of catastrophe, whether it be Walt Brown's hydroplate "theory," Charles Hapgood's Eartrh Crustal Displacement, or a Younger Dryas impact without mentioning that these observations and interpretations have been in many cases discredited, refuted, or significantly revised by later investigators armed with numerous absolute dates and greater understanding of geology and paleontology. Finally, Steve Garcia stated about Edward von Toll, ?On another island Toll found mammoth bones and other bones, plus fossilized trees with leaves and cones, making him to write, ?This striking discovery proves that in the days when the mammoths and rhinoceroses lived in northern Siberia, these desolate islands were covered with great forests, and bore luxuriant vegetation.?? Although northern Siberia was populated by abundant mammoths and rhinoceroses and extensive boreal forests in places during interglacial epochs, it was quite barren and sparsely populated by large mammals during the the glacial stages. During the Last Glacial Maximum, (LGM) in northern Siberia consisted of rather barren and depopulated polar desert as illustrated by Adams (1997) and discussed by Ukraintseva (1993) and Velichko and Nechaev (2005). This later changed as the climate ameliorated after the peak of the LGM. References Cited Adams, J. M., 1997, Preliminary Vegetation Maps of the World since the Last Glacial Maximum: An Aid to Archaeological Understanding. Journal of Archaeological Science. vol. 24, pp. 623?647. http://www.esd.ornl.gov/projects/qen/new_eurasia.html http://www.esd.ornl.gov/projects/qen/euras18k.gif Andreev, A.A., G. Grosse, L. Schirrmeister, S. A. Kuzmina, E. Y. Novenko, A. A. Bobrov, P. E. Tarasov, B. P. Ilyashuk, T. V. Kuznetsova, M. Krbetschek, H. Meyer, and V. V. Kunitsky, 2004, Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol?shoy Lyakhovsky Island (Laptev Sea region, Arctic Siberia). Boreas. vol. 33, pp. 319?348. Andreev, A. A., G. Grosse, L. Schirrmeister, T. V. Kuznetsova, S. A. Kuzmina, A. A. Bobrov, P. E. Tarasov, E. Y. Novenko, H. Meyer, and A. Y. Derevyagin, F. Kienast, A. Bryantseva, and V. V. Kunitsky, 2009, Weichselian and Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol?shoy Lyakhovsky Island, New Siberian Archipelago, Arctic Siberia. Boreas. vol. 38, pp. 72-110. Andreev, A. A., L. Schirrmeister, P. E. Tarasov, A. Ganopolski, V. Brovkin, V., C. Siegert, S. Wetterich, and H.-W. Hubberten, 2011, Vegetation and climate history in the Laptev Sea region (Arctic Siberia) during Late Quaternary inferred from pollen records. Quaternary Science Reviews. vol. 30, pp. 2182?2199. Brigham-Grette, J., M. Melles, P. Minyuk, and Party, Scientific, 2007. Overview and significance of a 250 ka paleoclimate record from El'gygytgyn Crater Lake, NE Russia. Journal of Paleolimnology. vol. 37, pp. 1?16. Dorofeev, V. K., M. G. Blagoveshchensky, A. N. Smirnov, and V.I. Ushakov, 1999, New Siberian Islands. Geological structure and metallgeny. VNIIOkeangeologia, St. Petersburg, Russia. 130 pp. Farrand, W. R., 1961, Frozen Mammoths and Modern Science. Science. vol. 133, no. 3455, pp. 729-735. Farrand, W. R., 1962, Frozen Mammoths. Science. vol. 137, pp. 450-451. Guthrie, M. L., 1988, Blue Babe : The Story of a Steppe Bison Mummy from Ice Age Alaska. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. Klubov, B. A., A. A. Korshunov, and I. G. Badera, 1976, New data on coal measures of Novaya Sibir' Island, New Siberian. Transactions Doklady of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences: Earth Science Sections. vol. 231, pp. 58-60. Kurten, Bjorn, 1986, How to Deep Freeze a Mammoth. Columbia University Press, New York, New York. Makeyev, V. M., D. P. Ponomareva, V. V. Pitulko, G. M. Chernova and D. V. Solovyeva, 2003, Vegetation and Climate of the New Siberian Islands for the past 15,000 Years. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. vol. 35, pp. 56-66. Schirrmeister L., G. Grosse, V. V. Kunitsky, M. C. Fuchs, M. Krbetschek, A. A. Andreev, U. Herzschuh, O. Babyi, C. Siegert, H. Meyer, A. Y. Derevyagin, S. Wetterich, 2010, The mystery of Bunge Land (New Siberian Archipelago) ? Implications for its formation based on palaeo-environmental records, geomorphology and remote sensing. Quaternary Science Reviews. vol. 29, pp. 3598?3614. Ukraintseva, V. V. (1993) Vegetation Cover and Environment of the "Mammoth Epoch" in Siberia.The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs of South Dakota, 1800 Highway 18-Truck Route, Hot Springs, SD. 309 pp. Velichko, A. A., and V. P. Nechaev, 2005, Cenzoic Climatic and Environmental Changes in Russia. Special Papers no. 382. Geological Society of America. Boulder, Colorado. Zimmerman, M. R., and R. H. Tedford, 1976, Histologic Structures Preserved for 21,300 Years. Science. vol. 194, pp. 183-184. Best wishes, Paul H. Received on Tue 20 Mar 2012 02:02:00 PM PDT |
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