[meteorite-list] Speed that meteors enter dark flight?

From: Graham Ensor <graham.ensor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 17:43:46 +0000
Message-ID: <CAJkn+kb3VNKBZw-pgTDACgvkCYm2b1w4eaSkQbY-t4nJT_etLQ_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi All,

I have been wondering lately if there have been calculations done on
the speeds that meteors stop their hot flight and enter dark flight.

What speed does a body have to reach before it generates a hot plasma
ball that shows as a fireball...or in other words how fast could a
body travel without becoming incandescent.

I know this is going to vary depending on altitude or thickness of
atmosphere and possibly size.

Has anyone seen data that shows this?


Received on Wed 07 Mar 2012 12:43:46 PM PST

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