(unknown charset) [meteorite-list] New fall in China

From: (unknown charset) 博方 李 <bryanlilee_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 21:27:25 +0800 (CST)
Message-ID: (unknown charset) <1330262845.20514.YahooMailClassic_at_web15101.mail.cnb.yahoo.com>

Hi Martin,
The man appeared on the video I know him very well, and is not the scientist. He is a collector like you and me. But he is very like to do some basic research on meteorites.
The content of the video is just to show how he cut, grind the meteorite,and also he guess the meteorite classification is L5, shock stage is S2. Then he made a micro probe in a laboratary which is owned by Geological University in Beijing I guess. His resualt is found there is mica in the meteorite,but all of the final result should wait for the scientists.
So long,

Dear Wu and list members,

This broadcast seems to show the first analyses of the new meteorite.

Unfortunately, I don't understand anything, but it's very nice to watch anyway.

I would like to know what they have already found out.



to be continued....

Have a nice Sunday!

Received on Sun 26 Feb 2012 08:27:25 AM PST

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