[meteorite-list] Zelimir Gabelica / Ensisheim Show 2012

From: Matthias Bärmann <majbaermann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 21:30:47 +0100
Message-ID: <1C67E9330E824B1A81946E64B616154B_at_thinkcentre>

Thanks, Sabine & John.

But above all, dear Zelimir: I wish you a quick and even more a total
recovery! Your friendly and open-minded spirit is indispensable not only for
the Ensisheim meeting, but for the whole meteorite community as well!

Best wishes,

and best as ever,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kashuba" <mary.kashuba at verizon.net>
To: <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Zelimir Gabelica / Ensisheim Show 2012


Here is our announcement of this year's Ensisheim show.

- John


Dear list members,

I am sending this on behalf of Zelimir Gabelica who cannot be reached by
email at this moment. Sorry for all of you who have had no luck getting in
touch with him. Zelimir is currently in a rehabilitation center where he is
recovering from a pulmonary embolism after coronary artery bypasses.
Unfortunately there are no internet facilities in this hospital where he
will be staying for several more weeks.

As co-chair of the Ensisheim-Meteorite show with Zelimir and Jean-Marie
Blosser ("Grand Ma?tre" of the Confraternity of the Ensisheim Meteorite
Guardians), let me take this opportunity to confirm to all of you that
"Ensisheim 2012" is well scheduled for this June.

Below you will find a brief summary of the main features of this 13th

Show dates:

Saturday June 16 to Sunday June 17, 2012.

Friday June 15 is the usual "dealer's day" devoted to table and booth set
up. The Regency Palace rooms are open exclusively to dealers (14:00 - 18:00)
and not to the public. Dealers may also continue to set up their booths on
Saturday morning (7:30 - 9:30) before the official show opening at 9:30.

The Regency Palace rooms close on Friday at 18:00 and the opening ceremonies
then start on the main square: inaugural address, enthroning ceremonies,
friendly drink. before the dinner party (more details in later emails).

Show theme: "Historical meteorites"

This year, we have three plenary lectures related to this theme:

1/ Dr. Ludovic FERRIERE, Curator of the rock collection at the Natural
History Museum in Vienna, Austria (Lecture's title to be communicated later)
2/ Mr Jean-Marie BLOSSER (The history of the Ensisheim meteorite)
3/ Dr. Alain CARION (The new French meteorite of Draveil)

Table reservation procedure

As every year, please write to Zelimir for table reservation at his usual
email address (Zelimir.Gabelica at uha.fr). Please, can all of you who already
reserved and those who are planning to make table reservation, confirm with
him again and/or write to him but only at the end of March, when he will be
able again to get in contact with all of you?

Sorry for this trouble but it will greatly facilitate this administrative
task when Zelimir will be home again! I thank you very much for your
Needless to say, the fun and friendly show ambience is guaranteed again
simply by your presence for this 2012 Ensisheim-Meteorite!

More news later.

My best wishes to all,


Dr Sabine Valange, Ma?tre de Conf?rences
Universit? de Poitiers
Institut de Chimie, des Milieux et Mat?riaux de Poitiers (IC2MP, UMR CNRS
7285, ex-LACCO)
ENSIP, B?timent B1, 1 rue Marcel Dor?, F-86022 Poitiers Cedex, FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)5 49 45 40 48
Fax : +33 (0)5 49 45 33 49
E-mail : sabine.valange at univ-poitiers.fr


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