[meteorite-list] BRIEF Tucson Meteorite Auction Report
From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 18:47:17 -0800 Message-ID: <CB55D0B5.224D5%mlblood_at_cox.net> Greetings fellow earthlings, It appears I still walk among the living, having survived The most horrendous whatever it was. I want to thank Libby and the other new Auction Nymph Who's name I am still too ill to remember and I most particularly wish to thank Suzanne and Lisa Marie who literally carried the Day! There was no way I could have added 2 + 2 after calling the auction (or even before) and it was only due to their remarkable, kind, patient and conscientious attention to detail and caring assistance that this event was able to transpire. I also wish to again thank Twink who is truly the Hostess of the Tucson Show - I regret I again missed seeing her Gold Basin Cake and, this year, a Sahara Cake! In addition, while I have no doubt the talk by Anita Westlake was a rollicking fine affair, I unfortunately missed that, too. MUCH thanks to them both. My appologies to all the friends I was unable to spend time with Or even talk to, due to "I feel like home made s**t" as the song goes. I have had a hailstorm of inquiries re absentee bids and the like And would like to share the sequence of events to put into perspective A reasonable time line..... (You can skip this next section if you feel no need to hear the tale of woe...) 72 hrs prior to auction - starting to feel many of the symptoms that Had layed up my wife 10 days ago - (I will spare you the details, but they Are UNPLEASANT). 48 hrs prior to auction called my Dr. and got him to call in antibiotics for me - left Mtl. for a couple hrs to pick up Rx and started treatment. Slept at l3ast 38 of the next 48 hrs. Day of auction - up by 2 PM, managed to load the car somehow, Panting and wheezing and coughing, etc and got my wife to get all manor Of legal "speed" for me (I am HYPER reactive to ANY stimulant and Half a cup of de-caffeinated coffee will keep me "speeding" under normal circumstances For about 18 hrs - chocolate will "speed" me for 48 hrs). I drank fully caffeinated coffee, ate chocolate and actually was able to sit up throughout the auction. Went back to Mtl. And CRASHED until noon When we had to get up to leave. For a couple hrs I actually felt I could Stagger about a bid without feeling I would collapse - went to eat at The Onyx Room (missed the Birthday Bash due illness) and then let My wife drive and didn't wake up until about 6 hrs later in El Centro. Slept today to about 2:30 PM and have drug in the 4 auction boxes Carefully spacing the time to prevent falling over from fatigue. (End of sad story, you may continue reading safely, now....) So, HOPEFULLY in the next 48 hrs the following will occur: 1- I will contact all the absentee bidders informing them of the outcome regarding their lots 2- I will bill all the C Card purchases from the auction 3- I will mail out the absentee buyer's lots 4 - I will post the auction outcome 5- Then, after 4 days or so when all the C Card payments should be in and I will begin Mailing out payment to those who consigned items to the auction. ALL checks will be mailed no later than Feb 14 - most, or all, should be Sooner. Consignors: PLEASE CASH YOUR CHECKS WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RECEPTION - Thanks. In spite of the illness, there are still elements that stick to my mind fondly - Geoff Notkin's smile, the generosity of spirit of Suzan and Lisa Marie, all those who tossed in to make the auction run smoothly, the Friends I did get to see before the illness came down hard, etc. Best to all, Michael Received on Mon 06 Feb 2012 09:47:17 PM PST |
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