[meteorite-list] Auctions ending now! Including Lunar Gabbro, rare CO3 types, BIG 869 and more!
From: John higgins <geohiggins_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 14:50:50 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <1355871050.75823.YahooMailNeo_at_web120004.mail.ne1.yahoo.com> Dear List Members, I would like to take this opportunity to announce there are some incredible meteorites auctions, some ending soon less than 2 hours, please hurry over to my e-Bay store www.outerspacerocks.com Highlights Include, NWA 6281 super rare official low TKW CO3.4 meteorite Rare carbonaceous chondrite and one of the rarest meteorite types on the planet. CO meteorites are named after the famous Ornans meteorite which fell on the French countryside in 1868. This was the first known example of this rare type and sells for around $1000g. Since then, only 4 more CO meteorites have been found and 2 of those were found in Antarctica. The Antarctic finds are forever off-limits to collectors because they reside at NASA's Johnson Space Center and are only available to scientists for research. So for collectors, CO3.4 is one of the most difficult types to acquire and most collections lack this exotic classification. This particular meteorite is quite fresh (W1/2) and is only mildly shocked at S2. This find also contains : orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, sodic plagioclase, altered kamacite, chromite and troilite. The TKW of this meteorite is a very small 130 grams, so there is not much available for collectors. NWA 6288? the "Green"??Eucrite Breccia Introducing a gorgeous and incredibly rare Eucrite Breccia meteorite. NWA 6288 is a new find from the deserts of North West Africa. On the outside, this meteorite has that faded looking yellow crust that is signature of eucrites. However interestingly enough cutting revealed that it looked more like a diogenite, a macroscopic inspection of appearances would lead you to believe it's paired it to NWA 4473, NWA 4965, or NWA 6293 which are diogenites. However the scientific analysis has revealed that this rare meteorite is in fact a unique and interesting eucrite breccia with diogenitic clasts. You can never put enough emphasis on the importance of scientific analysis, and you can never be certain about pairings from visual observations alone. This?part slice is polished on one side with a?rim of fusion crust wrapping?around the un-cut edge. NWA 869 BIG 686g Beautiful large size meteorite fragment?with some sections of?primary and secondary fusion crust.?This one is particularly nice because it has?two wide,?cut surfaces displaying nice breccia and?chondrules, both?polished?for your?endless viewing pleasure. NWA 7005 The super interesting new (MOSS) Type CO3.6 meteorite nice 1.7g slice with fusion crust Well-formed small chondrules. Olivine (Fa0.9-37.5; Cr2O3 contents in ferroan olivine range from 0.02-0.06 wt.%), orthopyroxene (Fs1.2-9.0Wo0.8-2.9), clinopyroxene (Fs1.3Wo39.0; Fs18.1-18.4Wo46.3-47.5), with accessory calcic plagioclase, troilite, pentlandite, taenite and altered kamacite. Some rounded composite metal+sulfide aggregates. Sparse small CAI composed of fine grained spinel, with varying amounts of Mg-ilmenite, grossite and corundum; some CAI have Wark-Lovering rims composed of sodalite and wollastonite.?? NWA 7006 CO3.6 Moss Like?Type 3 Ornans Group?Carbonaceous?Chondrite huge 5.8g slice This is a very?beautiful slice polished on one side, displaying a prominent section of?NWA 7006's signature red fusion crust. This Meteorite part slice?is a prime specimen. NWA 7006 is one of two new exciting meteorites of the CO3.6 type. Two new meteorites have arrived that are both CO3.6 types from different find locations that are unpaired! In addition, both new meteorites have sequential NWA catalog numbers - NWA 7005 and 7006. What are the chances that two incredibly-rare, unpaired, CO3.6 meteorites would be found in quick succession and classified by the same scientist in sequence? It's like Moss has long-lost identical twin brothers who just showed up from the vast desert sands of North West Africa! NWA 2977 Lunar Gabbro .25g thin part slice! This Meteorite was purchased in Taguonite Morocco in 2005 by Michael Farmer and?Jim Strope. It was a single stone weighing?a mere 233g. It's a cumulate Lunar rock that most likely originated in the Lunar Highlands as a thick lava flow or as a shallow intrusive into the highlands crust. It contains two pyroxenes, olivine, plagioclase shocked to maskelynite, K, Ba, feldspar and various Cr, Fe, Ti oxides.? If you happen?see?any of this highly studied, Lunar meteorite,?you?can?find it selling?for around $2000 per gram making this ultra rare &?thin,?quarter gram, part slice worth about $500.?This meteorite is beautiful, and?this may be the only chance you have to bid on?this?very important and rare meteorite with?a starting price of?only .99?It's the only one I have & what a find! METEORITE STICK Updated for 2013 now available and better than ever! Are You ready to become a Meteorite Hunter? Your Thrilling Outer Space adventure starts here and now! Order tonight and it will ship in the morning. Please buy from www.MeteoriteStick.com NWA 7191 L-MELT ROCK huge 7g slice Nice Part slice polished on one side with?three?edges of?fusion crust. The designation L-melt rock is incredibly rare and shares the classification with only 14 other officially classified non-Antarctic meteorites. This meteorite is nicer than most melts, even Cat Mountain. What makes NWA 7191 so incredible is a bow-shock wave that gives the metal and flow material an orientation in the matrix. This fresh meteorite has a low total known weight, its super rare and?unfortunately there wont be much to go around. Thank You for stopping by www.OuterSpaceRocks.com Sincerely kindest regards, John Higgins IMCA #9822 " When we help one another, there is no limit to what we can accomplish" Received on Tue 18 Dec 2012 05:50:50 PM PST |
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