[meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy

From: Richard Montgomery <rickmont_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012 18:34:29 -0800
Message-ID: <C5EFF9CE2149494E99431F1976D2CF46_at_bosoheadPC>

Lots more recent posts on this topic still to read, above in my inbox;
meanwhile I'll reitereate my concern: regulatory restictions on collecting
whatever one can carry (how fortunate that Mike recovered the 300lb Glorieta
already... I digress) ...is small potatoes compared to the alarming
precedent set with unelected appointed commisions dictating what can
subsequently be done with private property.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Altmann" <altmann at meteorite-martin.de>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy

I think, you're beating the wrong ones.
These, you're thinking to be responsible due to their media presence are not
so mighty, to create new laws and regulations.

Btw. look it up in old magazines, even Saint Nininger was posing with
meteorites in the press and as a hunter, where of course also price tags
were blinking through the headlines,
and no restrictions followed.

Neither in many countries, where meteorites were no topic at all in media,
decades ago, when there a strict legislation was newly introduced.

And what is wrong to pose with exciting pieces (and monetary values) in
I know even two brothers, everywhere highlighting a large piece of the
Moon... ;-)

If everything which is good, expensive, loveable and fascinating would have
to be concealed,
for the fear, that there could be some administrative dabblers immediately
trying to forbid them,
I guess I, neither you wouldn't want to live in a world like that.

Honestly, I have rather a problem, that there are extra-taxes on coffee
(gosh here the pound is now 7$, that's unfair.). And strange it is, that the
states are the largest profiteers in drug dealing. Tobacco, alcohol,

And be glad.
Those new BLM-rules are by far not so strict like laws are in other
(which weren't that much noticed in the western navel-gazing), so as harmful
(and ahistorical) and stupid (ask the Ngweyama, I guess with his 12 wives,
he has work enough, than to care with the Deputy Prime Minister for possible
 the new rules are for former meteorite nation #1,
you got off still relatively lightly.


-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] Im Auftrag von Adam
Gesendet: Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012 22:46
An: Adam
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] BLM and Meteorite Recovery Policy

TV entertainers and press-chasers have publicly turned looking for
meteorites into a treasure hunt complete with grossly inflated price-tags to
attract viewership. This is the same tired but effective method that the
lame Antique Roadshow has used for over a decade. Perhaps these
entertainers can use their media influence to correct their wrongs or at the
very least apologize to the meteorite collecting community for knowingly
attracting the wrong kind of attention. A lot of people including these BLM
employees do not realize there is a difference between TV entertainment and
reality. It finally reached the point people have learned the prices quoted
on the Antique Show are bogus when they go to market an item.

Since meteorites are now considered treasure and antiques, perhaps we could
learn something from England's treasure trove laws. The Government there
has to bid on the items if they truly want to protect them. I think
non-essential BLM jobs should be cut if these public servants are keeping
themselves busy reading and acting upon Schmitt's crap or believe what they
see on TV. They should start with the personal that took it upon themselves
to act as spokespeople for the rest of the public with the Meteorite Recover
Act of 2012.

Enough from me, I am angry over the this poor situation brought on by
thoughtless people.


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Received on Sun 02 Dec 2012 09:34:29 PM PST

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