[meteorite-list] Glorieta Mountain (Was: Pojoaque Pallasite)

From: Bernd V. Pauli <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:55:34 +0000
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000006E000050AA_at_10.0.100.101>

Regine inquired:

"I too would like to know where this one is being kept. What baffles
 me though, how does one get to the conclusion the meteorite had been
 carried in a medicine bag? It doesn't sound implausible, but what are
 the clues? Magic powder topping? Is there any further info?"

Hello All,

Many of us still have the 4th edition of the Meteorite Catalogue (1985).
Most of us still have the 5th edition of the Meteorite Catalogue (2000).

But few collectors, dealers, meteoriticists still have the 3rd edition
on their bookshelves [Hey M.H. (1966) Catalogue of Meteorites].

On page 387, you find the following info:

Pojoaque, Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Found before 1931.
35? 54' N., 1? 0' W.
Stony-iron. Pallasite?

A fragment of 84 grams was found in the ancient pueblo of Pojoaque = Pojuaque)
(L.F. Brady, Amer. Journ. Sci., 1931, ser. 5, vol. 21, p. 178 [M.A. 5-12]; H.H.
Nininger, The Mines Magazine, Golden, Colorado, 1933, vol. 23, no. 7, p. 4 and
no. 8, p. 6 [M.A. 5-405]). Probably a fragment of Glorieta Mountain (H.H. Nininger,
Amer. Antiquity, 1938, vol. 4, p. 39 [M.A. 7-272]; Amer. Journ. Sci., 1940,
vol. 236, p. 56 [M.A. 7-544]). Main mass in the Laboratory of Anthropology,
Santa F?; 6 gr in H.H. Nininger's collection.

And now let's go to Buchwald:

BUCHWALD V.F. (1975) Handbook of Iron Meteorites, Vol. 2, pp. 598:

Two exceptions are the specimens which were described as Pojoaque (Brady 1931; Nininger 1933b) and Sante F? (Henderson 1934), and which are still listed as separate meteorites by Hey (1966). Pojoaque (No. 12) is a 128 gr fragment found in the ancient Indian pueblo of this name. lt was found in a pottery bowl, and it has been suggested that its bright, worn exterior may be accounted for by assuming that it had long been carried in the pouch of a medicine man (Brady 1931). The ruin in which it was found is about 50 km northwest of Canon?ito, but since the structure and the state of preservation correspond exactly to that of authentic Glorieta Mountain specimens, Pojoaque is, no doubt, a transported fragment. Present location (p. 599): Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa F? (Ref.: Brady, 1931; Nininger 1940a).

So, if it is still there, the answer to Regine's inquiry should be:

=> Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa F? <=


Received on Mon 30 Apr 2012 03:55:34 PM PDT

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