[meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse

From: Graham Ensor <graham.ensor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 00:56:59 +0100
Message-ID: <CAJkn+kZ_Mcmn9xJzJN7Ew4gKAkbct14_ihkSFVYxJAcqxUke3w_at_mail.gmail.com>

The escargot in Ensisheim are very good....looking forward to them
again this year :-)


On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 12:46 AM, Anne Black <impactika at aol.com> wrote:
> I agree Mendy.
> I have helped my mother and grand-mother prepare many escargots when I was a
> kid.
> Anybody needs the recipe?? ? ?;-)
> But no snails in Colorado, much too dry.
> Anne M. Black
> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> IMPACTIKA at aol.com
> Vice-President of IMCA
> www.IMCA.cc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mendy Ouzillou <ouzillou at yahoo.com>
> To: Meteorite-list <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Sun, Apr 8, 2012 5:09 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse
> Butter, garlic and a dash of parsley makes everything taste good, even
> snails
> ... I mean escargot.
> Mendy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
> [mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com]
> On Behalf Of Anne Black
> Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 3:32 PM
> To: element33 at peconic.net; sterling_k_webb at sbcglobal.net;
> karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de;
> mexicodoug at aim.com; Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse
> A few years ago, I had some near Lyon.
> I was told they came from Turkey. They were quite good, of course with a
> garlic
> and white wine sauce.
> Anne M. Black
> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> IMPACTIKA at aol.com
> Vice-President of IMCA
> www.IMCA.cc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Bross <element33 at peconic.net>
> To: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb at sbcglobal.net>; karmaka
> <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de>; MexicoDoug <mexicodoug at aim.com>;
> Meteorite-list <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Sun, Apr 8, 2012 4:17 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse
> Hello Martin, Sterling and all
> I am not a specialist but French and loving frog legs (with garlic of
> course)
> As far as I know, we only eat frog legs, not toad legs.
> But more importantly, frogs and toads belong, for many years now, to the
> endangered species list in France, thereby, you will eat frog legs coming
> from
> Asia (which are much much bigger and much less tastier... quite disgusting
> actually) unless you are in one of the few areas where they are not in
> danger,
> like in Alsace... and a very very few more !
> I would have to check, Toulouse might be one of them, but not sure
> Anyway...
> Enjoy your trip to Toulouse, Martin.
> Michael B.
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Sterling K. Webb" <sterling_k_webb at sbcglobal.net>
> Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 5:10 PM
> To: "karmaka" <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de>; "MexicoDoug"
> <mexicodoug at aim.com>; <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse
>> Dear Martin,
>>> Does the hallucinogenic alkaloid of a toad's skin secretion still
>>> have an effect once they are deep-fried?
>> The answer is YES.
>> Bufotenin (also known as bufotenine and cebilcin), or
>> 5-hydroxy-dimethyltryptamine (5-HO-DMT or
>> 5-OH-DMT) has a very high boiling point of 320 C.
>> The vapors above or below that temperature are still psychoactively
>> potent, as are the liquid and crystal forms (melts about 146 C).
>> Depending on the mode of administration, bufotenin is more likely to
>> produce dangerous cardiac effects than visions.
>> While it is possible that deep-frying would evaporate the bufotenin
>> and hence remove most of it from the toad's skin, I'd stick with the
>> frogs' legs, if I were you.
>> Sterling K. Webb
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "karmaka" <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de>
>> To: "MexicoDoug" <mexicodoug at aim.com>;
>> <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 2:02 PM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse
>>> Hi Doug,
>>> don't worry. You can rely on the fact that if I manage to visit the
>>> Toulouse exhibition this summer, I will provide you all with some
>>> interesting photos. ;-)
>>> As for toads, escargots or anything else that might pour down on me,
>>> there is no worry either since I bought THIS at the last art
>>> exhibition I visited.
>>> made out of baskets for deep fat fryers
>>> http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3403/5794279846_b9ab0fc403.jpg
>>> http://vimeo.com/24591320
>>> I will carry it on top of a rod instead of a sunshade when being in
>>> Toulouse. ;-)
>>> I'm a bit worried though...
>>> Does the hallucinogenic alkaloid of a toad's skin secretion still
> have an
>>> effect
>>> once they are deep-fried?
>>> I don't want to be stoned before seeing the stones...
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Martin
>>> Von: MexicoDoug <mexicodoug at aim.com>
>>> An: karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de, rm31 at free.fr,
>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of
> Toulouse
>>> Datum: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 18:15:38 +0200
>>> Dear List, ?Dr. Mathieu, and Martin;
>>> Martin, if you do or anyone does make it there, please remember your
>>> friends on the list who won't have the opportunity to vacation or
> visit
>>> the lovely southern latuitudes of France and post us a nice picture
> for
>>> the admiring meteorite-list of this historical group of stones. ?So
>>> much to do on vacation there - see this Toulouse meteorite exhibit,
>>> then go to the Space Center and Space City, the Kennedy Space Center
>>> analog and lots more, of France.
>>> Watch out if you take the low road, as nearby Toulouse was the site
> of
>>> a Toad-storm from an inclement thundering sky, Two shocked horsemen
> had
>>> to put on their overcoats while being Toad-hammered, and gallop out
> of
>>> their as fast as they could, to reach a stage coach also on the way
> to
>>> Toulouse that witnessed the event, saw many small toads still on the
>>> unfortunate horsemen's cloaks and when it passed through the spot
>>> trampled many thousands of toads of all sizes. ?(I wonder if the
>>> meteorite in any way biased this report?)
>>> A rain of escargot snails might have been more comical for France,
> but
>>> maybe they were toads, frogs, whatever -- after all the toadstorm was
>>> 1834 and even today frogs and toads are varied and not recognized by
>>> science as distinct animals. ?Fried frogs are a delicious part of
>>> French cuisine that is required to try for all Beefeaters attending
> the
>>> exposition ;-)
>>> Kindest wishes
>>> Doug
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: karmaka <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de>
>>> To: rm31 <rm31 at free.fr>; Meteorite-list
>>> <Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
>>> Sent: Sun, Apr 8, 2012 7:31 am
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of
> Toulouse
>>> Congratulations, Dr. Mathieu, on having organised this very
> interesting
>>> exhibition.
>>> The beautiful city of Toulouse, la ? ville rose ?, ?is always worth
> a
>>> visit !
>>> I'll try to visit this exhibition this summer!
>>> Best wishes
>>> Martin
>>> Von: rm31 at free.fr
>>> An: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>>> Betreff: [meteorite-list] Bicentenary of the meteorite of Toulouse
>>> Datum: Sun, 08 Apr 2012 13:11:07 +0200
>>> Hi List,
>>> I'm pleased to invite you to the conference and exhibition for the
>>> bicentenary of the fall of the meteorite of Toulouse, april 10th
>>> 1812. The exhibition will remain until september 2nd.
>>> This event is the materialization of 2 1/2 year of historical and
>>> scientific researches. It benefited from the early support of the
>>> Museum of Toulouse (SW France). Most of the main samples of the
> fall,
>>> loaned by the Museums of New York, Chicago, Geneva, London, Vienna,
>>> Stockholm, Troyes, Paris, and from the University of Tuebingen will
>>> be reunited close to their place of
> fall,
>>> 200
>>> years
>>> later to be shown to the public.
>>> http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/2373/invitationmtoritedetoul.jpg
>>> J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter ? la conference et a l'exposition
> qui
>>> auront lieu au Museum de Toulouse, en celebration du bicentenaire de
>>> la
> chute
>>> de la
>>> meteorite dite de "Toulouse", le 10 avril 1812. L'exposition durera
>>> jusqu'au 2 septembre.
>>> Cet evenement est la concretisation de deux ans et demi de
> recherches
>>> historiques et scientifiques. Il est le fruit de la collaboration
>>> entre l'auteur et le Museum de Toulouse et a beneficie de l'apport
> de
>>> dizaines de contributeurs. Fait exceptionnel: les principaux
>>> specimens de la meteorite de Toulouse, pretes par les Museums of New
>>> York, Chicago, Geneve, Londres, Vienne, Stockholm, Troyes, Paris, et
>>> par l'Universite de Tuebingen seront ? nouveau r?unis ? Toulouse 200
>>> ans plus tard pour ?tre montres au public!
>>> R. Mathieu
>>> geologist
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Received on Sun 08 Apr 2012 07:56:59 PM PDT

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