[meteorite-list] Where is an admin when one is NEEDED? WAS: Re: FW: AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of Anne Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare!
From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 19:02:50 -0400 Message-ID: <CAKBPJW8f4d8GM2FzRXq9h6fdoZPVYmVp7wP_DDK2tAWxDJAy1g_at_mail.gmail.com> It was a simple joke that got blown out of proportion. Everyone liked it last year - no complaints then. It would have been dropped and forgotten by now if some busybodies with nothing better to do, had not made a mountain out of a molehill. Let's just drop this nonsense and get on with meteorites. Last time I post a friggin joke to a bunch of politically-correct Joes whose wives carry around the family jewels in a coin purse. If anyone should be offended, it should be a relative of Anne Hodges - not some self-appointed bad-taste cops. Maybe one of the joke-cops would volunteer to be a hall monitor for all of us - Regine? John? Farmer? That's my last word on this. Hate me if you want. Frankly, I have bigger problems to worry about right now. Offending some panty-waist is not amongst my worries right now. On 4/3/12, John Teague <volgems at icx.net> wrote: > Where is an admin when we need one? > > Do we really need to be subjected to such? And, yes, I do KNOW how to use > the DEL key! > > I use to recommend this list to my customers. This is a fine example of why > I now longer do so. > > John > > > -----Original Message----- >>From: Count Deiro <countdeiro at earthlink.net> >>Sent: Apr 3, 2012 6:24 PM >>To: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike at gmail.com>, "Regine P." >> <fips_bruno at yahoo.de> >>Cc: "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com" >> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] FW: AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of Anne >> Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare! >> >>Hey Regine, >> >>What do you want to bet that her surviving friends would have wished she >> had had plaster fall on her ass and they got hit with the meteorite?? >> >>She hiked her dress up for the world to see and she cashed the checks for >> 58 years. Wouldn't surprise me if she sold the wall, the furniture, her >> dress.... and her underwear. And how did the sellers get those unshaven >> leg hair samples...while she was asleep? Give us a break and keep the >> political correct crap off the List. >> >>And...Hey Mike...Since when did being sexist become a social death >> sentence? Man up...Tell people who want to cast aspersions on your >> worthiness as a human being to blow you. I started having to do it one >> night when I got drunk and inadvertantly told a fag joke in a gay bar. >> >>Hugs, >> >>Guido >> >> >> >>-----Original Message----- >>>From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike at gmail.com> >>>Sent: Apr 3, 2012 7:58 AM >>>To: "Regine P." <fips_bruno at yahoo.de> >>>Cc: "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com" >>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] FW: AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of Anne >>> Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare! >>> >>>FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! GET OVER IT. >>> >>>If you knew me, you'd know that I am furthest thing from a sexist a man >>> can get. >>> >>>I'm in a very pissy mood today, so I will refrain from posting >>>anything further today. That should make the haters happy. >>> >>>Go eat some hater tots. >>> >>> >>> >>>On 4/3/12, Regine P. <fips_bruno at yahoo.de> wrote: >>>> An April Fools from last year? How original. >>>> >>>> 58 years and still the sexist and patronizing undertones haven't changed >>>> when it comes to the woman who got hit by a meteorite (whose name is >>>> actually Ann Hodges). >>>> >>>> Friends of hers are still alive, and I'm not sure they would find some >>>> of >>>> the comments very funny. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> ----- Urspr?ngliche Message ----- >>>>> Von: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike at gmail.com> >>>>> An: Regine P. <fips_bruno at yahoo.de> >>>>> CC: Dennis Miller <astroroks at hotmail.com>; >>>>> "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com" >>>>> <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>>>> Gesendet: 15:45 Dienstag, 3.April 2012 >>>>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] FW: AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of Anne >>>>> Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare! >>>>> >>>>> Hi Gang, >>>>> >>>>> It was just a little April Fools fun. I'm sure Anne Hodge was a very >>>>> nice person. It was 58 years ago. Too soon? ;) >>>>> >>>>> Besides, the specimen has been sold and I am going to Tahiti for a >>>>> while. >>>>> >>>>> Best regards, >>>>> >>>>> MikeG >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG >>>>> >>>>> Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com >>>>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone >>>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone >>>>> RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 >>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> On 4/3/12, Regine P. <fips_bruno at yahoo.de> wrote: >>>>>> You guys should show some respect - the lady you are talking about >>>>>> has >>>>>> been >>>>>> exposed to ridicule quite enough when she was alive. >>>>>> This is a story that more or less happened just recently. Her ex >>>>>> husband >>>>>> Eugene died in January. >>>>>> >>>>>> Btw. she neither had children nor grandchildren. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> ----- Urspr?ngliche Message ----- >>>>>>> Von: Dennis Miller <astroroks at hotmail.com> >>>>>>> An: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>> CC: >>>>>>> Gesendet: 18:56 Montag, 2.April 2012 >>>>>>> Betreff: [meteorite-list] FW: AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of Anne >>>>>>> Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare! >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> For those of you that may have wished to purchase such a treasure, >>>>>>> Fear >>>>>>> Not! I >>>>>>> hear that, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> due to demand and price, Anne Hodge's Grand children are planning >>>>> to have >>>>>>> their grandmother's >>>>>>> >>>>>>> body exhumed and shaved. But, they are having trouble finding a >>>>>>> Judge >>>>> to >>>>>>> sign >>>>>>> off on the >>>>>>> >>>>>>> request... They keep saying "To do WHAT!!??" >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2012 21:17:06 -0400 >>>>>>>> From: meteoritemike at gmail.com >>>>>>>> To: dmerchan at rochester.rr.com >>>>>>>> CC: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of Anne >>>>>>> Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare! >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hi Folks, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> It is not commonly known, but Anne Hodge was very hirsute and >>>>> worked >>>>>>>> for the old southern side shows before she retired. Being known as >>>>> a >>>>>>>> meteorite target was considered more "honorable" (in >>>>> those times) >>>>>>> than >>>>>>>> being a bearded lady, so the Sylacauga strike actually changed her >>>>>>>> life for the better. Make no mistake, the lock of hair shown in >>>>> the >>>>>>>> photo was growing from the area of her body that the meteorite >>>>> struck. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> For those considering to purchase or not, I must disappoint you - >>>>> the >>>>>>>> specimen is now sold. Furthermore, sales of all Sylacauga-related >>>>>>>> materials are hereby suspended until further notice. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Best regards, >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> MikeG >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> -- >>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com >>>>>>>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone >>>>>>>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone >>>>>>>> RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 >>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On 4/1/12, Don Merchant <dmerchan at rochester.rr.com> wrote: >>>>>>>> > I'm afraid to ask where the meteorite hit your body let >>>>> alone >>>>>>> where that >>>>>>>> > here will be removed from!! >>>>>>>> > Sincerely >>>>>>>> > Don Merchant >>>>>>>> > ----- Original Message ----- >>>>>>>> > From: "Linton Rohr" <lintonius at earthlink.net> >>>>>>>> > To: "Michael Gilmer" >>>>> <meteoritemike at gmail.com> >>>>>>>> > Cc: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>>>>>>> > Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 6:56 PM >>>>>>>> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of >>>>> Anne >>>>>>>> > Hodge'sHair -Ultra-Rare! >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> >> ...(the only person documented to be struck by a >>>>> meteorite). >>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>> >> That's no longer the case, Mike. >>>>>>>> >> I was struck early this morning. Ouch. >>>>>>>> >> I will be offering locks of my hair shortly, followed by >>>>> the >>>>>>> hammer stone >>>>>>>> >> itself. >>>>>>>> >> I'm trying to decide whether to clean off the blood >>>>> and guts, >>>>>>> or leave >>>>>>>> >> them in situ. >>>>>>>> >> Best offers will be accepted until April 2. ;^) >>>>>>>> >> Linton >>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>> >> ----- Original Message ----- >>>>>>>> >> From: "Michael Gilmer" >>>>> <meteoritemike at gmail.com> >>>>>>>> >> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>>>>>>> >> Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 7:50 AM >>>>>>>> >> Subject: [meteorite-list] AD - SYLACAUGA - Rare Lock of >>>>> Anne >>>>>>> Hodge's >>>>>>>> >> Hair -Ultra-Rare! >>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> Greetings List, >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> For the most-discriminating collector of hammers and >>>>> hammer >>>>>>> artifacts, >>>>>>>> >>> I am proud to present the unusual and intriguing >>>>> meteorite >>>>>>> impact >>>>>>>> >>> artifact - a lock of Anne Hodge's hair (the only >>>>> person >>>>>>> documented to >>>>>>>> >>> be struck by a meteorite). >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> For photos and more details, see this link >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> ANNE HODGES, Syalacauga - >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>> >>>>> http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/sylacauga-rare-lock-of-ann-hodges-torso-hair-struck-by-a-meteorite >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> All other new offerings - >>>>>>>> >>> http://www.galactic-stone.com/products/brand-new >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> Occasional eBay offerings - >>>>>>> http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/maypickle >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> Thanks for looking! >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> MikeG >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> -- >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> >>> Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com >>>>>>>> >>> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone >>>>>>>> >>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone >>>>>>>> >>> RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>> >>> ______________________________________________ >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> Visit the Archives at >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>>>> >>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>>>> >>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >>> ----- >>>>>>>> >>> No virus found in this message. >>>>>>>> >>> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com >>>>>>>> >>> Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2114/4908 - >>>>> Release >>>>>>> Date: 04/01/12 >>>>>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>> >> ______________________________________________ >>>>>>>> >> >>>>>>>> >> Visit the Archives at >>>>>>>> >> >>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>>>> >> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>>>> >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>>> >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> > >>>>>>>> ______________________________________________ >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Visit the Archives at >>>>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ______________________________________________ >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Visit the Archives at >>>>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>>>> >>>>>> ______________________________________________ >>>>>> >>>>>> Visit the Archives at >>>>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>>-- >>>----------------------------------------------------------- >>>Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG >>> >>>Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com >>>Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone >>>Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone >>>RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 >>>----------------------------------------------------------- >>>______________________________________________ >>> >>>Visit the Archives at >>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>Meteorite-list mailing list >>>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >> >>______________________________________________ >> >>Visit the Archives at >> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>Meteorite-list mailing list >>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > > ______________________________________________ > > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone Twitter: http://twitter.com/GalacticStone RSS: http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 -----------------------------------------------------------Received on Tue 03 Apr 2012 07:02:50 PM PDT |
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