[meteorite-list] Stat. Speaking / killer Hammers (Barbotan)
From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 04:18:24 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <1321877904.52637.YahooMailNeo_at_web160105.mail.bf1.yahoo.com> Ruben and Listers In THE FRIEND 1834 publication VOL 7, a religious and literary journal states..... "In July 1790, another case occurred at Barbotan, a place in the vicinity of Bordeaux, which is thus described by Lomet, a respectable citizen who witnessed the phenomenon:? " It was a very bright fire-ball, luminous as the sun, of the size of an ordinary balloon, and, after inspiring the inhabitants with consternation, burst, and disappeared. A few days after, some peasants brought stones, which they said fell from the meteor; but the philosophers to whom they offered them laughed at their assertions as fabulous. The peasants would have now more reasons to laugh at the philosophers." So they would, Mons. Lomet. One of these stones, fifteen inches in diameter, broke through the roof of a cottage, and killed a herdsman and a bullock. After reading the above statement, we cannot refrain from wondering at the slow belief of philosophers as to the heavenly origin of these stones. Where was the body to come from, a body of the dimensions described, which was capable of breaking through tho roof of a cottage, and committing such deadly havoc, if it did not come from the atmosphere, ay, and from an immense height too ?" http://books.google.com/books?id=y4_TAAAAMAAJ&dq=Barbotan%20meteorite%201790&pg=PA409#v=onepage&q&f=false I have seen later publication dates that refute the claims, but it think this is the?earliest reference I have found on the case of Barbotan meteorite fall and killing a man. I bet there might be earlier references and I wonder if? other Listers?might?have more info on the ?fall? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *** I did a search in Google Books and found the same article that was published in 1834 in THE FRIENDS was also published in Chamber's Journal in 1833. http://books.google.com/books?id=XWAiAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA346&dq=Barbotan+meteorite+1833&hl=en&ei=GinKToydO8Ph0QGQh9wU&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CF4Q6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q&f=false And in 1832 in The Christian's Penny magazine makes reference to the Barbotan meteorite where a man was killed by a falling stone. http://books.google.com/books?id=xCcFAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA101&dq=Barbotan+meteorite+1832&hl=en&ei=PyrKTv-HKobl0QGSod0r&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false Found a reference in 1826 from Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle, 10 - Page 489?states........ French On peut citer pour preuve , l'histoire des pierres qui tomb?rent, en 1790, ? Juillac et ? Barbotan en Gascogne, et qui furent envoy?es ? Condorcet, ainsi que la pierre qui i?illit tuer plusieurs personnes, le la mars 1798, ? Salles pr?s Villefranche, d?partement du Rh?ne. Celle-ci fut examin?e par le min?ralogiste De Dr?e qui donna une relation de sa chute. English It is just j nevertheless, that several French naturalists and physicists, despite the views of leuis * colleagues, had believed firmly in A?iolithes. These include evidence for the history of the stones that fell in 1790 to Juillac and Barbotan in Gascony, and were sent to Condorcet, and the stone i?illit kill many people, the March 1798, near Villefranche to Salles, Department of the Rhone. This was considered by the mineralogist Dr?e who gave a relation of his fall. The earliest reference I found about the Barbotan stone killing a man was in The Manchester Iris in 1822. Which states as follows... "From the concurrent testimony of those who have described these phenonifba, wc learn that in every instance, they are preceded by a luminous appearance, globes of fire, or igneous meteors, which generally break with a noise resembling thunder, and then fall to the ground in masses of different sir.es. The weight varies from a few onn.es to several hundred weight. At Verona, two stones fell in IOCS, of which one weighed 200lbs. and the other 3001bs. When the masses have fallen, they are almost always warm, and penetrate the earth to some depth: at Barb, near Bourdeaux, a mass of fifteen inches diameter penetrated a hut and killed a herdsman and a bullock, on July 2-1th, 1790." http://books.google.com/books?pg=PA330&dq=Barbotan%20meteorite%201822&ei=jjDKTrbAB8Lr0gGNudXyDw&ct=result&id=PDIFAAAAQAAJ&output=text A little history for you :) Shawn Alan IMCA 1633 eBay story http://www.ebay.com/sch/ph0t0phl0w/m.html [meteorite-list] Stat. Speaking / killer Hammers Ruben Garcia mrmeteorite at gmail.com Sun Nov 20 11:37:02 EST 2011 ????* Previous message: [meteorite-list] Stat. Speaking / killer Hammers?? ????* Next message: [meteorite-list] Stat. Speaking / killer Hammers?? ????* Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] ________________________________ A nice list member just sent me this text in an email. I've never heard this...is it true? BARBOTAN 07.24.1790 (france) killed a man! (the man was a farmer) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? Received on Mon 21 Nov 2011 07:18:24 AM PST |
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