[meteorite-list] NEW - Intriguing Ungrouped Achondrite - NWA 6704
From: karmaka <karmaka_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 19:41:36 +0200 (CEST) Message-ID: <270470188.2634644.1306863696537.JavaMail.fmail_at_mwmweb040> Fascinating material !!! Nice to see you back in business again. Good luck with the NEW naturesvault ! Martin -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: "Greg Hup?" <gmhupe at centurylink.net> Gesendet: 31.05.2011 14:16:12 An: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Betreff: [meteorite-list] NEW - Intriguing Ungrouped Achondrite - NWA 6704 >Dear List Members, > >Over the last four months I have been reorganizing my company to make things >easier for me in order to better serve the meteorite community. >To start my official Grand Re-Opening, I have the honor and privilege to >introduce to you... > > >Northwest Africa 6704... >...a 'most intriguing' New Ungrouped Achondrite. > >NWA 6704 is a most intriguing meteorite unlike any others known to man! Not >only does it have tremendous scientific value, it is one of the most >visually appealing meteorites with its dazzling display of yellowish-green >orthopyroxene crystals containing small grains of olivine and chromite >surrounded by large intercumulus grains of albite enclosing small grains of >awaruite (a rare very nickel-rich metal alloy). Oxygen isotope results plot >this achondrite within the field for acapulcoites-lodranites, but that is >where any comparison stops. NWA 6704 is unlike any other meteorite! If that >isn?t enough, this incredible meteorite contains an abundance of ?bubble >trains? within the orthopyroxene which appear to be devoid of fluid upon >initial inspection. Ongoing analyses are currently being performed to >measure the cosmogenic noble gases to determine its CRE age (time spent in >space) and to possibly detect trapped gases or even atmosphere from the NWA >6704 parent body! > >Close-up image of the NWA 6704 matrix: >http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa6704/nwa6704matrix.jpg > >Bubble trains and cleavages in orthopyroxene (width of field 0.593 mm) >http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa6704/nwa6704bubbleTrain1.jpg > >Bubble trains and cleavages in orthopyroxene (width of field 0.237 mm) >http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa6704/nwa6704bubbleTrain2.jpg > >NWA 6704 has a Total Known Weight of 8387 grams in a single, naturally >fractured stone that was discovered in Northwest Africa in 2010. In their >eagerness to see what was ?inside? the stone, the Algerian finders >unfortunately broke the largest pieces, as can be seen in the image of the >reassembled stone below. Also visible are the natural breaks along extended >segment boundaries which have been sandblasted over time in the Sahara, >smoothing the edges on the largest pieces and a more ?rounding? of the >smaller fragments. Oddly, NWA 6704 is almost entirely devoid of visible >fusion crust; only a single 1.5cm x 2cm patch exists, raising questions as >to how this can be. Through a determined effort over a four month period, >the distributed parts were purchased by Greg Hup? and reassembled into a >single stone resembling a ?puzzle?. It is remarkable that the finders were >able to collect even the smallest of fragments! > >Reassembled mass of the NWA 6704 ?puzzle? meteorite (measures 27cm x 16cm x >14cm): >http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa6704/nwa6704complete1.jpg > >Close-up image of only fusion crust ?patch? on NWA 6704 (measures 1.2cm x >2cm): >http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa6704/nwa6704crust1.jpg > >Thin section image of NWA 6704 in cross-polarized light (width of field 5 >mm): >http://www.lunarrock.com/nwa6704/nwa6704ThinSection1.jpg > >Officially accepted classification of NWA 6704 entered in the Meteoritical >Bulletin: >http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=53609 >(Note: the TKW is 8387 grams with 42 pieces, entry errors should be >corrected soon). > >Best Regards, >Greg > >==================== >Greg Hup? >The Hup? Collection >gmhupe at centurylink.net >www.LunarRock.com >NaturesVault (eBay) >AncientDiscoveries (eBay)(formerly 'NaturesVault') >IMCA 3163 >==================== >Click here for my current eBay auctions, I have two accounts now: >1) NaturesVault - http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault >2) AncientDiscoveries (formerly 'NaturesVault') - >http://shop.ebay.com/ancientdiscoveries/m.html?_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1 > > >______________________________________________ >Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Tue 31 May 2011 01:41:36 PM PDT |
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