[meteorite-list] ALH 84001 Life on Mars: Evidence from Martian Meteorites
From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 10:34:12 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <475869.74780.qm_at_web35402.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Hello Listers, Here a research paper about the ALH84001 meteorite and suppected bateria fossils. Take a look down below. Life on Mars: Evidence from Martian Meteorites David S. McKay1 Kathie L. Thomas-Keprta2 Simon J. Clemett2 Everett K. Gibson1, Jr., Lauren Spencer,1 and Susan J. Wentworth2. 1NASA Johnson Space Center, 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston TX USA; 2Jacobs Technology, NASA Johnson Space Center, 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston TX USA 77058 ABSTRACT New data on martian meteorite 84001 as well as new experimental studies show that thermal or shock decomposition of carbonate, the leading alternative non-biologic explanation for the unusual nanophase magnetite found in this meteorite, cannot explain the chemistry of the actual martian magnetites. This leaves the biogenic explanation as the only remaining viable hypothesis for the origin of these unique magnetites. Additional data from two other martian meteorites show a suite of biomorphs which are nearly identical between meteorites recovered from two widely different terrestrial environments (Egyptian Nile bottomlands and Antarctic ice sheets). This similarity argues against terrestrial processes as the cause of these biomorphs and supports an origin on Mars for these features. Keywords: Mars meteorites, ALH84001, Nakhla, Y000593, Life on Mars INTRODUCTION Martian meteorite ALH84001 Our original publication on this subject presented a suite of characteristics closely related in space and time within martian meteorite ALH84001, all of which could be best explained by a hypothesis that they were formed by microbes early in martian history.1 These observations included the presence of chemically zoned carbonates precipitated from water in cracks openings in the meteorite, morphological forms similar to known terrestrial fossils, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with the carbonates, and nanophase magnetites embedded within the carbonates. A single hypothesis that all of these features were formed or assisted by early martian microbes was proposed by us. Initially, this hypothesis was challenged on the basis that some of these features were terrestrial contamination, and that the carbonates formed at high temperature.2; 3 Detailed published studies by our group4 and others4-6successfully refuted each of these objections. One alternative hypothesis, that the carbonates formed by inorganic precipitation7; 8 was also shown to be incapable of explaining the chemistry and the morphology of the actual martian carbonates. 4Additionally, it was proposed that the nanophase magnetites were formed by thermal and shock heating of the iron-rich carbonate present in ALH84001 during its early martian history or during the impact that ejected it from Mars.9; 10 To summarize the current situation, most of the scientific community now accepts that nearly every ALH84001 feature that we discussed in the original Science paper actually formed on Mars including the carbonates and the magnetites. Formation of the carbonates by precipitation from water at moderate temperatures is also now generally accepted4. The Recent detailed analysis and thermodynamic treatment has now definitively ruled out the hypothesis that the nanophase magnetite within ALH84001 formed by thermal or shock decomposition of any of the associated carbonate11. ALH84001 Background McKay et al1 characterized a number of closely associated features in ALH84001 and suggested that this suite of features, taken together, could best be explained by a biogenic hypothesis in which early Martian microbes were directly or indirectly involved in producing the features. These features include: Carbonate globules or pancakes found in cracks and veins which we suggested were formed at relatively low temperatures and involved water--formation possibly assisted by microbial action Possible microfossils are present (biomorphs) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present and closely associated with carbonates Nanophase magnetite (Fe3O4) similar to magnetite produced by magnetotactic bacteria is present embedded in the carbonates This suite of features taken together provided the possible evidence for the biogenic hypothesis. Note that no single feature was either definitive for biology, or conversely, that showing that no single feature was definitely produced by non-biogenic processes would invalidate the hypothesis, although it would clearly weaken it. A number of early objections to our hypothesis were made at meetings and in publications: The carbonate globules formed at high temperature by volcanic or impact processes on Mars The meteorite was contaminated in Antarctica Carbonates grew in Antarctica PAHs were deposited from Antarctic melt water Magnetites were from terrestrial sources such as wind-blown dust Magnetotactic bacteria would not develop on Mars because Mars had no magnetic field The ?microfossils? were coating artifacts added during preparation for SEM studies The microfossils were too tiny to be real We addressed most of these objections in published rebuttals and papers. In addition, some of the earliest criticisms were essentially retracted by more careful analysis of the available data. Some3; 12 proposed that the carbonates formed at high temperatures. If true, this would rule out microbial involvement and seriously weaken our hypothesis. These papers were given wide play in the media and in some scientific meetings. The consensus began to develop that we had been discredited. However, Treiman and RomanekWarren 1998, and McSween and Harvey ,2000 5 published papers supporting a low temperature aqueous precipitation hypothesis for the carbonates. Note that McSween and Harvey did a complete reversal from their earlier interpretation of the carbonates.5 The majority of scientific papers published in the past 10 years now accept that carbonates formed on Mars at low temperature by precipitation from water. Terrestial contamination was another issue. However, detailed isotope studies proved that the carbonates formed on Mars, not in Antarctica. Careful search for PAHs in Antarctica melt waters near the collection site failed to find detectable PAHs casting doubt on whether the ALH84001 PAHs resulted from contamination13. Laboratory results showed that PAHs are relatively insoluable in water and would not be concentrated in carbonates. It is now generally accepted that the PAHs in this meteorite are Martian in origin. Similarly, if the carbonates are Martian, the embedded magnetites must also be Martian. No mechanism has been proposed to embed terrestrial magnetite in the Martian carbonates. One objection to the hypothesis that the Martian magnetites were produced by Martian magnetotactic bacteria is that Mars did not have a global magnetic field, thought to be a requirement for bacteria to develop magnetic inclusions within their cells. However, after the original paper was published, mapping of the Martian surface by orbiting spacecraft revealed that early crustal rocks did have strong remnant magnetism which could only be explained if Mars had an early strong magnetic field, now gone. While some researchers 14have supported our biogenic hypothesis for the origin of many of the magnetites, a number (Golden et. al, Treiman, Brearly, and others) 2; 8; 15; 16have proposed an alternative hypothesis that the magnetite was formed totally nonbiologically by thermal decomposition of the iron-rich carbonate during or following an impact shock event.7; 8; 15 This alternative non-biologic hypothesis has been used for the past decade as the primary argument against our hypothesis. In a recent paper, we have now addressed this alternative hypothesis in detail and have shown that it cannot explain the pure chemistry of the most of the magnetites and their lack of other cations such as Mn and Mg considering that surrounding carbonate is mostly a mixed carbonate containing Mg, Mn, and Ca as well as Fe virtually all laboratory studies have shown that thermal decomposition of a mixed carbonate produce a mixed composition spinel (magnetite), not the pure Fe magnetite common in the carbonates11. We conclude that the nanophase magnetites could not have been made by thermal or shock decomposition of the carbonate and therefore these magnetites had a separate origin not directly related to the carbonates. Our original hypothesis that they were produced by martian magnetotactic bacteria and introduced and trapped in the precipitating carbonate pancakes remains a viable explanation. The unique properties of these magnetites (elongated along the c-axis, single domain grain size, extremely pure Fe oxide, tightly sorted grain size distribution) remains a suite of properties absolutely unique to magnetotactic magnetites on Earth17. This suite of properties has been used for decades as certain biosignatures when found in terrestrial sediments or water. Application of this biosignature concept to these martian magnetites remains a viable and credible approach. To read more about this click on this link http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20090038980_2009039912.pdf Shawn Alan IMCA 1633 eBaystore http://shop.ebay.com/photophlow/m.html [meteorite-list] ALH 84001Shawn Alan photophlow at yahoo.com Sun Mar 6 22:50:14 EST 2011 Previous message: [meteorite-list] AD- Ebay - ending in less than an hour! SIKHOTE-ALIN, TAMDAKHT, BASSIKOUNOU, IMILAC Next message: [meteorite-list] ALH 84001 Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Hello Listers, There is a great documentary by National Geographic / Naked Science called Alien Falls which the bulk of the episode is about the Grimsby meteorite fall but there is a five minute segment concerning the ALH84001 meteorite. David McKay, astrobiologist from NASA Johnson Space Center and his team of scientist go into great detail in explain how magnetites found in the ALH84001 meteorite could possibly be fossils from bacteria from Mars. In the video, McKay explains this process by stating that his scientific team found within the ALH84001 meteorite golden spherical shaped disks called carbonates, which could indicate that these carbonates came from an environment where there was water or is water. Within the carbonates the scientists found magnetite chains that resemble magnetite chains found in magnetotactic bacteria on Earth. McKay in the documentary believes that?s these magnetite chains could be traces of bacteria fossils from Mars. On Earth when a magnetotactic bacteria decay, what is left is a magnetite chain, which could suggest that these chains found in the carbonates from ALH84001 meteorite could be an indication that they came from bacteria that formed in or around water. With the proof that there was water on Mars and that there might still be water on Mars one could conclude that at one time, there might have been life on that red, desolate, planet we call Mars which has been around since the birth of the solar system, 4.6 billion years ago. That is a lot of time for the life and death of any species or bacteria to form, live, die, and decay. I wonder how long it would take the Earth to rot away to its true natural state if the atmosphere and magnetic field was gone? One million years and all signs of civilization could be erased and only mother Earths raw natural state to show for? Something to think about when considering if life does or did existed elsewhere. Earth 4.6 billion years?. Universe about 14 billion years and counting. Shawn Alan IMCA 1633 eBaystore http://shop.ebay.com/photophlow/m.html [meteorite-list] ALH 84001 E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com Sun Mar 6 16:05:33 EST 2011 Previous message: [meteorite-list] Contest - Name this person, win a free shergottite specimen! Next message: [meteorite-list] ID card/website/etc Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all - Some of you may remember several years back my several part tale of my dramatic involvement (and lack therof) in the breaking of the ALH84001 fossils story. For what its worth, I think that those strcutures are fossils, based on my conversation at that time with Dr. MacKay's SEM specialist. He found that the PHAs were bound by the structures' walls, and the later finds of magnetite grains in the structure appear to me as a below surface sensory mechanism. I tend to go with Marc on this news, and with his analysis of how the error occured. E.P. Grondine Man and Impact in the Americas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous message: [meteorite-list] Contest - Name this person, win a free shergottite specimen! Next message: [meteorite-list] ID card/website/etc Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More information about the Meteorite-list mailing list Previous message: [meteorite-list] AD- Ebay - ending in less than an hour! SIKHOTE-ALIN, TAMDAKHT, BASSIKOUNOU, IMILAC Next message: [meteorite-list] ALH 84001 Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the Meteorite-list mailing list Received on Mon 07 Mar 2011 01:34:12 PM PST |
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